You should do that directly today

There is a lot to do in Patch 11.1 of World of Warcraft. So that you are prepared for the new season, you should really stire this week.

Finally the first, really large content update from World of Warcraft: The War Within Live. With Patch 11.1 Lorenstehn, there is a new area, the capital of the Goblins together with the whole “goblin madness”, which is one of them.

All of the innovations can be a little overwhelming and confusing. We therefore list what you should do this week so that you cannot miss the connection and start in season 2 next week.

Wow Patch 11.1: Gallywix’s control over the cartels

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The most important thing shortly: You should do the following tasks in week 1 to be perfectly prepared:

  • Accept Meta Quest in Dornogal
  • Complete the introductory quest series from Lorenhall
  • Select a goblin cartel for this week
  • Complete all cartel tasks for this week
  • Complete all side quests in Lorenhall
  • Raise any ripe (if not yet done)
  • … have fun!
  • Patch 11.1 – The tasks in week 1

    The first week of a patch is usually still quite calm and is particularly suitable for looking at the story and completing quests. This is also the case with patch 11.1.

    Before you start the new quests, you should take on the new meta-quest in Dornogal, which you ask you to do some tasks in Lorenhall. The reward is only average, but if you are in Lorenhall anyway, you can also complete it directly.

    Then simply follow the main quest series until you get the option to support one of four goblin cartels. It can take a while, because the path to Lorenhall begins in the sounding depths – the story only leads to Lorenhall in the course of the missions. The choice of the cartel is bound to the week and applies to your entire account. We have listed the advantages of the different goblin cartels here.

    Thereupon you can basically work through the “whole card” – so conquer all quests, world quests, events and rare enemies that meet you.

    If you still have time and leisure, take the weekly dungeon quest in Dornogal. Here you get a call for the Goblin cartels from Lorenhall when you complete them. Not a must, but a nice bonus of 1,500 call points!

    Upgraduate the ripe – old content

    If you have already played actively in the past few weeks, then you have already ticked off this point. Because for starting in season 2, “Circes Reif”, the artefact ring from the siren island, will still be the best ring that you can get. He gives you a strong boost at the start of the season and should therefore be worn by every character.

    Circes ripe you unlock when you complete the story on the siren island. You get the revaluation through the other quests or as drops of rare enemies. There is no longer any “time gating” there, so that you should have brought the ring to the maximum quite quickly.

    The vast majority of season 2, i.e. the new dungeons and also the RAID, will only start the next week. If you have done all the tasks by then, you can concentrate only on group activities in the coming week and start directly in season 2. But you should also read the changes in your class.
