In Pokémon GO you still have the chance to catch powerful Pokémon today. We’ll show you which ones are particularly worthwhile.
Today is the second and final day of the big Nature Zone event in Pokémon GO. Here you have another opportunity to get hold of the proto-monsters as well as Dialga and Palkia in their original forms, use the new Safari Ball and also catch Riffex in its various forms.
The powerful Pokémon are also back on the second day of the event. The rotation of powerful Pokémon you can encounter in the wild is changing today compared to yesterday. We have summarized which ones you can catch today and which ones are particularly worthwhile.
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Bulbasaur is a Pokémon from the 1st generation and has the Grass and Poison types. It is Bulbasaur’s final stage of development.
This Pokémon is a strong addition if you still need Grass-type attackers. If you catch it as a powerful Pokémon, it will also be able to use the Flora Statue charging attack.
This Pokémon also belongs to the 1st generation. It evolves from Dragonair, which in turn evolves from Dratini.
Dragoran is one of the strongest monsters in the Master League. Although there are now many strong dragon monsters in the game, Dragoran is still a Pokémon that you can use as a dragon attacker in raids.
Impergator is a Pokémon that has been around since the 2nd generation. It is the final stage of development of Karnimani and is of water type.
This Pokémon dominates the Super and Hyper League lists. However, if you catch it as a powerful monster, its WP value will be too high for these leagues. But you can also plan it as a water attacker for raids. As a powerful monster, it has the Aqua Howitzer charge attack.
While the previous developments of Mamutel, Quiekel and Keifel, have been around since the 2nd generation, Mamutel was only added with the 4th generation. It has the types Ground and Ice.
With Mamutel you get a strong attacker who can cover two types at once. The Pokémon shines as both an ice and ground attacker in your raid teams.
Similar to Mamutel, Elevoltek only came into play in the 4th generation, although its previous developments have been in the world of Pokémon since the 1st and 2nd generations. Elevoltek is of the electric type.
This Pokémon can’t take a lot of damage comparatively, but it can deal immense damage. It is a strong Electric-type attacker that can strengthen your team.
What other powerful Pokémon are there today? In addition to the monsters mentioned so far, you can still find the powerful Pokémon Quappo, Zapplarang and Tandrak today.
When do the powerful monsters appear? The powerful variants of these Pokémon can be caught throughout the event today, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.
If you’re after the powerful Pokémon, then you should especially use the last 15 minutes of the event today.
In addition to the powerful Pokémon, there is a lot more content in the current event that is waiting for you on today’s second day of the event. This includes wild Pokémon, raids, Dynamax battles and more. If you want to know what exactly you can experience here, then take a look at the contents of day 2 of the Nature Zone event.