You never think of it! Make sure to drop

You never think of it Make sure to drop

High blood pressure can occur at any age. Those who have frequent high blood pressure problems should consult a specialist about this condition. High blood pressure can cause heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage and kidney failure. Dr Deborah Lee states that the causes of high blood pressure are obesity, high salt diet, excessive alcohol, smoking, stress, some drugs, sedentary lifestyle, advanced age and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and kidney. There are interesting ways to lower elevated blood pressure.



Pharmacist and Medical Consultant Abbas Kanani says studies have proven that those with pets have lower resting heart rates and blood pressure. “This is likely due to pets relieving feelings of stress,” he told SunHealth. Stroking a dog for just 15 minutes can lower your blood pressure by ten percent, according to a study by the University of Missouri-Columbia.

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Dr Deborah says studies have shown that blood pressure tends to decrease as the frequency of sexual intercourse increases. “Regular sex can also reduce the risk of heart attack. An American study found that blood pressure drops by 13 percent the day after sex. This may be due to the release of serotonin and endorphins during sex,” she adds.


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“Meditation is a relaxation therapy,” says Dr Deborah. “During meditation one calms down, develops the mind.” An Australian study found that employees who meditated in their office chair for just 15 minutes showed a significant drop in blood pressure. “Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which induces feelings of calm and relaxation associated with slowing heart rate and lowering blood pressure,” says Dr Deborah. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for two or three seconds, then exhale slowly.


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A 2008 study by Dr Deborah, the American Hypertension Association, reveals that adults with mild hypertension (high blood pressure) experienced a drop in blood pressure after listening to 30 minutes of classical, Celtic or Indian music every day for a month. “Scientists have suggested that this may be because we process sound in the brainstem, which is also the brain center that controls our heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.”

Laugh out loud

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According to a study by the University of Maryland, laughing causes blood vessels to dilate by 22 percent. Another study conducted at Osaka University in Japan found that those who participated in the laughter interventions had their blood pressure dropped by 5 mmHg.


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Consuming garlic or garlic powder can help lower blood pressure as it ‘offers natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties’. “It contains sulfur-containing compounds like allicin, one of the most beneficial high blood pressure natural remedies,” says Abbas.


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A University of Surrey study found that people who took cocoa supplements containing the same amount of flavanols as 500g of dark chocolate had lower blood pressure and more stretched blood vessels in just three hours.
