You must do this in the event of a longer power outage

During the pandemic, many were surprised at how ill-equipped Sweden was for a major social crisis. With the world situation with war in Europe and more and more climate-related events, it can be good to know how to act when, for example, the power goes out for an extended period of time.
– Today, the individual does not know what to do, says author Niklas Kämpargård.

Until joining the EU in the mid-1990s, Sweden had an extensive preparedness stock and a more pronounced structure of what people should do in crisis situations. In an increasingly troubled world with an increasingly extreme climate, it is therefore not impossible that we may be faced with scenarios where we may have to save ourselves.
If thousands of people need help at the same time, the author Niklas Kämpargård believes that the emergency services will not prioritize the individual, but rather work overall to ensure that socially important functions work.

Consider the needs of your household

In the handbook Urban chaos – how to cope with crises in modern society, Niklas Kämpargård wants to help us think preventively and make the right choice in a rapidly changing everyday life. But how should one actually think and prioritize?
Kämpargård believes that before a more extensive and long-term power outage, you should think about the needs of your own household. Heat, food, and water will all be needed, but things like medicine, flashlights, and battery-powered radios may also be necessary. For example, if you live in an urban environment, it is not as easy to fire with wood as if you live in sparsely populated areas.

This is how you should act in the event of a power outage

If the power were to go out during the day, Kämpargård believes that it might not be so troublesome. However, if the power goes out when it’s dark outside, it can suddenly become very difficult to find. He believes that the first thing you want to do is find some kind of lighting, it could be a flashlight, or battery-powered LED lights.
– It will be pitch black. In addition, you may not have a mobile phone with coverage that would be knocked out.
After you have received some kind of light, you want to find out what it is that has happened. If you don’t have a radio, it can therefore be difficult to take part in the VMA, an important message to the public, where social information is shared.
– There are many things that are restricted. If you have electric locks, you must know how the backup opening works. The same applies to the garage door, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.
When it comes to food at home, however, he believes that you can be calm. The food will spoil over time, but if the freezer is well filled, the food will last for several days.
– But then you shouldn’t open the freezer all the time, then you should leave it alone.

Yesterday 11:11

New handbook for handling social crises: “Many don’t know what to do”

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