You must do so by November 12 at the latest

You must do so by November 12 at the latest

An annual highlight for the vast majority of people is when the declaration drops into the mailbox. This year, the declaration for the income year 2023 opened on March 19, and was then open until May 2.

After that, the refund for those who should have it began to be paid already in April. Those who instead chose to change or make additions could look forward to the refund at the beginning of June instead.

READ MORE: This is how you make your tax refund grow

Tax refund? That’s what we spend the money on

What Swedes spend money on differs from household to household. But some of the most common areas are saving, going on holiday or treating yourself and your family to something more luxurious than usual.

READ MORE: The Swedes did that with their tax refund in 2024

The Swedish Tax Agency’s previous call: “Pay your back taxes”

While many people are happy to be told that they will get money back on their taxes, there are also those who, for one reason or another, expect, or are disappointed, when they are told that they have to pay back taxes, also known as back taxes.

Recently, the Swedish Tax Agency urged all those who received their tax notice in April to pay their back taxes by July 12 at the latest.

“Pay your tax arrears no later than July 12 if you were notified in April. Those who received their tax notice in April and have tax to pay must do so by July 12 at the latest if it has not already been done,” they wrote on their website.

READ MORE: The Swedish Tax Agency’s request: You must do so before July 12

The Swedish Tax Agency’s new call: Then you must pay

However, those who did not receive their notice in either April or June will instead receive it in their digital mailbox between August 5 and 9.

Those who receive information in that notice that they have back taxes to pay are now asked, like those who received the notice in April, to adhere to a specific date by which the money must be paid at the latest.

“The Tax Agency sends final tax notices between August 5 and 9 to those of you who have a digital mailbox and who did not receive the final tax notice in April or June, for example you who had a delay in declaring. If you do not have a digital mailbox, you will receive the final tax notice in the mail approximately 1–3 weeks later,” the Tax Agency now writes on its website.

The date you, who must pay the residual tax, must comply with is 12 November 2024. By then, the money must be paid into the authority’s account.

They also announce that in some cases the tax notice may be delayed.

“If we change something in the declaration or have questions, for example because we have received new or corrected information, you will receive your final tax notice when we have finished your case”.

DO NOT MISS: The Swedish Tax Agency’s request: You must do so before 6 August
