You Might Have Been Raised by Immature Parents: Here Are 3 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

You Might Have Been Raised by Immature Parents Here Are

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    Having immature parents may seem like fun on a day-to-day basis, but it can have serious consequences on the lives of your children and the adults they become. Here are three signs you may have grown up with such parents, according to a study.

    The way parents perceive the world automatically impacts the education they give their children. But when this perception is immature and unfinished, when benchmarks and limits are not put in place, it can have a lasting impact on the mental and emotional health of the child and the person he or she will become. Are you wondering if this is your case? Here are 3 signs that you were raised by immature parents detailed by a study by Frontiers in Psychology.

    You are afraid of rejection

    Immature parents often have problems with giving their children a lot of love, care and reassurance. As a result, their children may grow up with a permanent feeling of insecurity. They also do not really know how to share their own emotions. This lack of listening and dialogue around emotions and feelings can gradually form a fear of being rejected. According to the cited study “Rejection is usually indicated by negative and hostile expressions from parents.

    You are used to a chaotic life

    Children born to immature parents are used to living in a certain chaos and find it normal. That their house is not tidy, that their daily organization is not up to scratch is not surprising. It is because they were used, as children, to living without a framework or routine. This daily chaos is nothing other than “a lack of consistency in parental rules and behaviors” that they reproduce, the study says.

    Feel good in your body, feel good in your head!

    You easily feel pressured to do things.

    Children of immature parents adapt regularly. Again, this is in reaction to what their parents did: they had to learn to respond to their changing emotions and have learned how to hide what they really feel.

    This habit unfortunately leads to self-censorship and self-effacement, especially when it comes to providing a service.

    Unfortunately, these traits will probably need to be worked on with a specialist if they are preventing you from thriving. According to the study, some immature parents have used manipulation or emotional guilt to make their child conform to their lifestyle. An attitude that leaves its mark, unless you free yourself from it through self-work.
