you may soon be able to disappear from a conversation

you may soon be able to disappear from a conversation

Twitter may have found a new way to fight harassment. The platform is indeed testing a new function to leave a conversation. This was discovered by Jane Manchun Wong, a developer specializing in reverse engineering, accustomed to unearthing new features to come in applications and on social networks. The screenshot of her find that she shared in a tweet also gives many details.

When you are tagged in a conversation, Twitter will allow you to opt out. If your username remains displayed as plain text, it will no longer be mentioned in the original tweet or any replies posted after it. This feature will also prevent people in the conversation from tagging you there again. Finally, notifications related to this conversation will be automatically blocked.

Several months ago, the platform introduced an option to discreetly unsubscribe unwanted followers from your account without having to block them. Twitter had also incorporated the ability to limit who can reply to a tweet. With this new function, Twitter completes its arsenal already in place to deal with harmful behavior.

Source: The Verge
