You may be one of the thousands of households who should have received financial assistance paid automatically by the State. But following an administrative problem, you will have to claim it yourself!

You may be one of the thousands of households who

You may be one of the thousands of households who should have received financial assistance paid automatically by the State. But following an administrative problem, you will have to claim it yourself!

In France, there are numerous financial aids intended for different types of households, families and situations. So much so that many French people are unaware that they are surely entitled to one aid or another and never ask for it. And even when they know it, the procedures to obtain payment are often long and complex, which discourages many people who are nevertheless eligible.

This is the situation that the Government wanted to avoid with the Energy Check, a system created in 2016 to help households pay part of their energy bills. Automatically sent by mail to all beneficiaries, this aid allows you to pay suppliers of electricity, gas, fuel oil, firewood and even certain energy renovation expenses for your home.

All French people, whether they are owners or tenants, are entitled to it subject to means and its amount can vary from €48 to €277 for the year 2024. Significant assistance for many low-income households and people therefore, all the more valuable as it is sent every year between April and May to all beneficiaries, without any action on their part… at least normally.

This year, administrative problems, apparently linked to the end of payment of the housing tax for all French people in 2023, led to difficulties in calculating and sending the 2024 energy check. Thus, thousands of French people Eligible people have not received this assistance to which they were nevertheless entitled and will have to request it manually.

To find out if you are eligible for the 2024 energy check, you can use the simulator available on the official website, using your tax number or by answering a series of questions. If you are eligible and have not received aid to date, you will then need to make a claim online on a dedicated portal, which will open in July 2024.

Please note, due to this problem with the automatic sending of the 2024 energy check, an increase in fraud attempts has been noted. Scammers could contact you by telephone, claiming to want to help you receive your energy check, and try to extract sensitive information about your bank accounts, such as your identifiers or your RIB. So be vigilant and do not pass on any information to anyone who contacts you about the energy check: all procedures on this subject are done online and user assistance will never contact you by telephone.
