During holidays, it is not unusual to go abroad to get some sun and warmth. At least not when the weather is as uncertain as it has been recently.
Earlier this week, for example, the weather institute SMHI issued a yellow warning for torrential rain and the risk of flooding in several parts of the country.
READ MORE: SMHI warns of torrential rain and floods
The high summer heat is coming back
However, it seems that the weather in Sweden is on the way to better, if only for a short while.
To News24 SMHI’s meteorologist told us that the weekend offers high summer heat, bright sun and up to 25 degrees, starting in southern Sweden – Skåne, Blekinge and Småland, and then reaching the whole country into the weekend.
READ MORE: Now the summer heat is coming – here it will be 25 degrees and sunny
Photo: Erik Johansen/TTTrygg Hansa: Think about this this summer
Regardless of whether you are abroad or in Sweden, bathing is a constant part of summer for many Swedes.
Either you head to the beach on a sunny day to spend hours in the sun and water, or maybe you go to the nearest swimming pool for a quick dip.
Regardless of what you identify with, however, it is clear that you need to pay attention when you are in the water.
The number of drowning accidents is increasing in Sweden. Last year, 73 people died in drowning accidents, with the month of June being the deadliest month of 2023.
In order for you to be safer when you bathe, the insurance company Trygg Hansa has issued several suggestions to take into account.
– Even if you know how to swim, swim in a place where you sink and where many other people swim, you can run out of energy quickly. We must keep an eye on each other when we bathe and raise awareness about the risks of bathing alone, says Eva Jarnhällwater safety expert at Trygg-Hansa in one press release.
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Photo: Marko Säävälä/TT Swimming this summer? think about this
What should you think about then?
Jarnhäll lists six points that should make it safer and more secure for both you and those around you.
READ MORE: Fraudsters can trick you on holiday – the mistake can cost you dearly