You have to say that to get the job – according to the expert

You have to say that to get the job

Are you looking for a new job? The line between success and failure can be thin. Especially if the job you are applying for is popular among other applicants.

Sitting in a job interview and knowing that your future job hangs in the balance is a special and often uncomfortable experience. Despite this, you have to go through the process again and again.

But there are ways to maximize your chances of landing the job.

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Practice interviews

Your ability to communicate can be decisive during the interview.

To succeed, you need to learn to communicate effectively, says the LinkedIn career expert Andrew McCaskill.

– Interviews are a performance art, and to perform well you have to practice, he says CNBC.

He believes that what you say and how you express yourself are skills that can be trained.

Practicing your answers before an interview is highly recommended as it can make you feel more confident and confident, which in turn makes a positive impression.

But according to him, there is one specific phrase that can make you stand out more than the others.

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The “magic” words

There are many tricks that can help you perform during the interview. But Andrew McCaskill believes there is a specific line that can be crucial to use at the end of an interview:

“I really want to emphasize how much I want this job. I am confident that my skills and experience are a perfect fit for the role, and that I can make a strong and positive impact on the team. Here’s why…”

By using this phrase, you demonstrate two important qualities that employers often look for.

Andrew McCaskill believes that the first thing is enthusiasm. By showing your genuine interest in the job, you signal that you are committed and really want the position, as opposed to appearing neutral or uninterested.

The second is that you show confidence. You clearly communicate your strengths and how you can contribute to the team.

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More tricks that will make you a sharper at interviews

The employment agency also lists several tips that can help you during the interview process.

Among other things, they recommend that you read up on the company you are applying to. Then it becomes clear that you are interested in them.

But also the importance of making eye contact with the person you are talking to. If you are nervous, they recommend that you say so straight out. By doing so, you show your potential employer that you are honest.

Andrew McCaskill also urges that you address and preferably by mentioning two or three specific skills that are in demand in the job advertisement. This shows that you have understood the role and are ready to commit to it.

– Think of it as your closing pitch. You don’t want to leave the interviewer unsure of your interest in the role or whether you have what it takes to succeed there, says Andrew McCaskill.


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