You have to mash the cucumber before you eat it! The reason is…

You have to mash the cucumber before you eat it

Cucumber, which is a store of vitamins C and K, is one of the most favorite foods of everyone from seven to seventy. You can eat the cucumber with or without the peel, or you can consume the cucumber alone or with other mixtures. But you probably didn’t know that you had to mash a cucumber before eating it.


Usually we wash a cucumber and then cut it into pieces. However, there is one more step you must take before serving the portions. Apparently, it tastes better if you mash the cucumbers first. You can use the back of the knife to crush the cucumber. Not only will it be more delicious by crushing it, but it will also take other flavors better. You will taste the difference when you add it to the salad. For example, the olive oil sauce you add to the salad will absorb better and add flavor to its flavor.



  • It has diuretic properties.
  • It is good for stomach ailments.
  • It contains high levels of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.
  • It is very rich in fiber.
  • It benefits the circulatory system.
  • Increases muscle flexibility.
  • It cools the body in summer. It keeps the body temperature in balance.
  • It is good for gout.
  • It protects the heart.
  • It prevents indigestion by contributing to the digestive system.
  • It is a good source of carbohydrates and contains high levels of folic acid.
  • It is good for diabetes.
  • It is a good cleanser for the liver, kidneys, pancreas and gall bladder.
  • It strengthens the hair and nail structure. It prevents the nails from breaking easily.
  • It can be used for bladder inflammation.
