You have every interest in treating important information associated with your email address. Otherwise, you may have a very bad effect with your dentinary when you send them messages.
You will probably have noticed: whatever your email service (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, Orange, Laposte, etc.), the emails you receive in your reception box are most often displayed with the name and first name of their sender, in addition to their object. Basic information, very practical to know who writes to you and quickly sort through your reading priorities.
And which are independent of the email address used: they are defined in principle when creating an account. Thus, a user with the address [email protected] can perfectly appear with the name Gérard Manvussa If he wishes: it is also preferable if he wants to be easily identified by his recipients, especially since the choice in the composition of email addresses is generally very limited, to avoid duplicates and confusion.
Boredom is that, out of ignorance, negligence or simply due to lack of time, most people are poorly filling the fields associated with their name and first name when creating their account. And they end up with bizarre or just clumsy label. For example, with their inverted name and first name (Manvussa Gérard), in order but without capital letters or without accent (Gerard Manvussa), with a spelling or typing fault (Gérrad Mnavusa), or with a capitals name (Gérard Manvussa), which is often considered – rightly – as a gross lack of taste. So many small errors or blunders that can have a bad effect in your correspondence, especially in an official, professional or administrative setting.
Fortunately, if you cannot change your email address, you can perfectly modify the name and first name associated with your account a posteriori. And thus correct your any errors so as to appear “properly” in the list of messages from your correspondents. All messaging indeed authorize this type of modification: and even if the path to achieve it differs from one service to another, it is generally necessary to access the parameter of the account associated with the address.
In the case of Gmail, for example, use the web version, preferably on a computer, click on The notched wheel top right of the window, then on All parameters in the menu that appears. In the next screen, click on the tab Accounts and importthen, on the line Send emails as :, click on the menu Modify informationdisplayed to the right of your email address. In the yellow window which is displayed then, the name associated with your email address is selected by default. In the displayed text field just below, type the new name you want, then click on Save changes To validate El Change.
Note that you can perfectly use this setting to temporarily modify your name and first name, the time to make a joke, for example. Nothing prevents you from appearing as Brad Pitt or Tax Service, or even under the name of your chef, just to insure your colleagues. The whole thing is not to play too long or to use it for malicious ends. And you are also free to use a nickname (Gégé Kéké) and even to insert special characters if you prefer to do the clown, you distinguish or keep a little mystery. But never forget that it is with this name that your correspondents will identify you first. And in communication, the carty is always the best key!