You have eagle eyes if you can spot the O among the Qs in 4 seconds

You have eagle eyes if you can spot the O

In this optical illusion image, the letter O is hidden among the Qs. Only sharp-eyed people can spot the O among the Qs in 4 seconds. And you ? Try now.

The term illusion comes from the Latin word illudere, which means to mock or deceive. Thus, the basic principle of an optical illusion is to deceive the human brain by tricking it. Optical illusions boost cognitive abilities and trick the brain into thinking creatively. They are a fun way to challenge your mind and improve your problem solving skills.

Studies have shown that engaging in such brain-boosting activities on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline in adults and improve overall brain function. Test your observation skills with this quick challenge below.

The image shows a series of Q letters. As the title suggests, there is a letter O in the image, and you must find it in 4 seconds. Top ! Let’s go !

These optical illusion challenges are an exciting way to test your observation and intelligence. They are also a fun and engaging way to pass the time while improving your cognitive abilities.

Did you find the letter O in 4 seconds? The task of finding the letter O in 4 seconds is difficult. Only those with exceptional observation skills will be able to locate the letter O within the given time. Hurry up, time is running out.

Time is up. How many of you found the letter O? Most of our keen-eyed readers have already found the letter O. Congratulations! You have excellent observation skills.

Curious to know where the letter O is? Check out the answer below.

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The letter O is at the far right of the image; it is marked with a red circle. So what’s your time? Share your result with our other readers on our Facebook page by clicking here.
