You get the 13-minute longer version, which many people haven’t even seen yet

You get the 13 minute longer version which many people havent

In 2021, Spider-Man: No Way Home sparked the biggest cinema hype of the pandemic phase. Marvel fans flocked to the halls to find out whether the announced major appearances actually made it into the blockbuster. Almost two years later, Netflix added the film to its offerings.

And that’s not all: the streaming service provides the A longer version was available, which was only released later.

Insane success: What is Spider-Man: No Way Home about?

No Way Home picks up directly from the cliffhanger of Far From Home: Peter Parker’s (Tom Holland) reputation as the friendly neighborhood spider is destroyed. Quentin Beck took care of that in Part 2. In addition, his true identity as Peter Parker became public. His two lives can no longer be separated.


Spider-Man: No Way Home

Desperate, Peter asks Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) for help. A spell is supposed to make the world forget that Peter Parker is actually Spider-Man. However, this intervention in reality has devastating effects on the multiverse.

This is just the starting point for a nostalgic fireworks display that has probably never existed before. The recipe worked: According to Box Office Mojo, No Way Home grossed $1.9 billion. So – again: during the pandemic – it became the seventh most successful film in history (not adjusted for inflation). In the MCU and in the superhero area, he only ranks behind the Avengers films Endgame and Infinity War.

The extended version of No Way Home is coming to Netflix: What’s new?

The “More Fun Stuff” version of No Way Home was released in theaters almost a year ago. It is about 13 minutes longer. Overall, there is only the original version in comparison eight new scenes to admire. The film has a lengthy running time of 161 minutes. So take enough time for a long but entertaining superhero evening. Spider-Man: No Way Home premieres on Netflix on Sunday, October 15, 2023.

Current status at Marvel: Is Loki Season 2 worth it and how does it change the MCU?

The second season of Loki has finally started on Disney+ and tells a crazy time travel adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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