You get jail after torture interrogation in a boiler room in Dalarna

For several months, a woman was subjected to abuse and death threats by her partner in Dalarna.
The man, who is in his 40s, held, among other things, “torture interrogations” in the boiler room – where the woman was exposed to several crimes.
Now he is sentenced to prison for one year and four months.

Earlier this week, a man in his 40s was sentenced to prison for one year and four months for serious violation of women’s rights in Dalarna. The man subjected his partner to abuse and death threats for several months, according to the verdict.

Among other things, the man took the woman to the boiler room in their basement, where he humiliated, abused and threatened her with death.

The man carried out long, nocturnal “interrogations”, where both violence and violations occurred on several occasions. The district court states that the interrogation can be closely compared to torture.

On one occasion, the man locked his partner in the boiler room with himself. The man was wearing plastic gloves and took out a garbage bag and a knife before breaking off the key with a pair of pliers. The woman managed to escape from the home through a window.

The man later explained that he “just thought they would clean the boiler room a bit”, according to the verdict. The woman was locked in the basement several times during the months the crimes took place.

Hit the woman with a bottle

On other occasions, the man has hit his partner in the head with a bottle and threatened to use a chainsaw to get into where she was when she didn’t come home. He also hit the woman with a pair of pliers and threatened to kill her pet.

“Each of the acts has been part of a repeated violation of the plaintiff’s integrity and the acts have been intended to seriously damage the plaintiff’s self-esteem,” writes the district court.

The man is also convicted of violating the Weapons Act and must pay damages to the woman of almost SEK 170,000.

The woman now lives in sheltered accommodation with the couple’s common child.
