VShe second five-year term like no other is far from over, yet 2027 and its cohort of putative candidates are already moving forward. Behind the scenes, some learn to sketch out plot twists, others familiarize themselves with the art of conspiracy, in short, everyone prepares post-Emmanuel Macron with rigor and determination. The political department of L’Express offers to help you follow, thanks to a weekly meeting on our websitethe progress of those ambitious people who hope to climb, quickly and without injury, the steps of power.
Senate: pressure from the Elysée
In the days following the senatorial elections of September 24, discussions were intense to attract elected officials to the groups. “The Elysée put pressure on overseas elected officials, two of them joined the Macronist group during the week even though they had initially attended a meeting of another group!” says a senator.
The Beaune-Pécresse romance irritates the Mayor…
On September 26, Clément Beaune and Valérie Pécresse signed, with great fanfare, a protocol between the State and the Ile-de-France region aimed at sustaining the financing of Ile-de-France transport by involving businesses and tourists. In the corridors of Bercy, where we consider that the negotiations took place “behind our backs”, the agreement raises eyebrows. We do not hesitate to affirm that Bruno Le Maire is “against, completely against” the maneuver, since it amounts in particular to increasing contributions, and therefore production taxes for companies in the region. The love story between the Ministry of the Economy and that of Ecological Transition is therefore in good shape, as always…
… Who is scolded by Véran
The government spokesperson, like his colleagues, follows with attention and rigor what is written about him in the press. This summer, he did not appreciate an indiscreet article published in a newspaper in which he was described as “stupid” by a man from Bercy. Driven by the certainty that it is healthier to always say what is on your heart, Olivier Véran made a quick phone call to Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy. “The next time you need someone to say good things about Bercy in the press, forget my number!” he graciously whispered in “Bruno’s” ear. Proof that the message got through, three weeks later, in its September 27 issue, Le Canard chainé reported the little mic-mac around the price of gasoline in the event of a sale at a loss. According to the satirical weekly, Bruno Le Maire considered the figure mentioned by Véran of a reduction of half a euro per liter “unrealistic”, “out of the ordinary”. Relations are excellent!
The Élysée or Toulouse, Carole Delga no longer knows where to turn
Carole Delga has more than one trick up her sleeve. First there is the presidential election of 2027, a destiny that she has been methodically building for more than a year, letting those close to her speak for her and barely hiding her ambitions. Last July, the woman who hates Nupes filed the statutes of “the Republic in common” in the Official Journal. But recently, there is also the town hall of Toulouse in 2026. “Piping Toulouse from Jean-Luc Moudenc (current mayor LR, Editor’s note) without leaving it to the far left, it’s two victories in one!”, explains one of his relatives. With the Nupes and a PS which does not open any doors for her, she knows that the path to the Élysée has everything of a mouse hole and Toulouse then appears as a slightly more attainable Eldorado. Delga fears that the city will fall into the hands of a rebel, supported by the local alliance on the left with the “Marseille Spring” sauce born in the last municipal elections: Archipel Citoyen. The name of François Piquemal, LFI deputy and local of the stage, comes up insistently to lead the battle. In 2022 in Toulouse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon achieved one of his best scores in the first round: 36.93%. A pink city turned red. “A Mélenchonist stronghold in her own region, it is to avoid this that she would go,” analyzes one of her followers. Delga already has to deal with Michaël Delafosse, mayor of Montpellier, her friend certainly but with whom relations are not good since he also shines nationally. Contacted, part of Delga’s entourage swears vigorously that this whole story is nothing but lies and hoax, intended to destabilize her. But according to information from L’Express, the main interested party herself opened up about it in a small group this summer with some of her Toulouse relatives who are now pushing for this idea. To choose is to deprive yourself of the rest…
Europeans: traffic jam at the PS!
It’s raining candidates for the European elections on the PS side! Is this a sign of good shape? Obviously for the last of the socialist Mohicans. No if we admit that a large part of the candidates for candidacy are unknown to the general public. Among these gentlemen, in addition to the head of the list Raphaël Glucksmann, Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the party and gun-tower for Olivier Faure, sees himself being elected in Brussels. But he is not the only one close to the Prime Secretary to imagine himself there: Christophe Clergeau, another Faurist soldier, intends to return as a European deputy. And that’s without counting Faure’s internal adversaries: Jean-Marc Germain, former deputy and Mr. Hidalgo, has ants in his legs. Among these ladies, it’s even more extensive: The head of the MJS Emma Rafowicz, the senior civil servant who became spokesperson for the PS Chloé Ridel, Aurore Lalucq, outgoing from Place-Publique, but also Sarah Kerriche (boss of the federation du Nord), Gulsen Yildirim (Haute-Vienne federation) and Dieynaba Diop (Yvelines federation) intend to embark on the adventure. “There won’t be room for everyone!” warns a party boss. A thought also for all those leavers who, proud of their record, would perhaps like to return to the European Parliament in 2024…