Thanks to this new site, you will be able to consult your points on your driving license at any time, and even know the date on which you will recover your lost points.
As a motorist, it has certainly happened to you that you no longer remember how many points you have left on your driving license. Perhaps you have even already claimed, during a roadside check, that you still had all your points. It must be said that after years of driving, it is easy to forget the exact number of points you have… From now on, you will no longer have this excuse. Indeed, a brand new online site, viewable on mobile and computer, was inaugurated by the government on November 24. It replaces the Télépoints platform, launched in 2007, which required to connect to enter a confidential code, obtained by mail, and which provided partial information. This time, the procedure has been simplified to allow motorists tohave access to the exact number of points remaining and at the same time know the date on which they will be able to recover their lost points.
Which site to connect to?
From now on, drivers must go to the site to be able to view their point balance on their license. To connect, you have the choice: either by identifying yourself with the FranceConnect portal using another account (impots.gouv, Health Insurance, MSA, etc.), or by creating a new account with an email address and a password.
Once connected, if this is your first connection, you must provide certain information concerning your driving license, including the format (European “credit card” format or 3-fold “cardboard” format) and your license number. In the pink cardboard version of the permit, this number is in box no. 5 to the left of your photo, and in the more recent version, it is located on the back of the card, at the top left on two lines. With this step, your license is added to the base.
Then, users have access on the MesPointsPermis platform to the “My points” section, which also lists traffic violations, except those which are too recent. In the “My documents” section, it is also possible to generate and download a restricted information statement (RIR), which certifies the validity or not of your license, if it has been suspended, as well as the category of vehicle that you you can use.