You don’t need to take 10,000 steps a day to be healthy

You dont need to take 10000 steps a day to

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    According to a new American study, just 6,000 steps a day would help combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

    Even though the WHO recommends taking 10,000 steps a day, a new American study shows that 6,000 steps a day would be enough to fight against the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

    “What we’ve seen is this gradual reduction in risk as the steps increase,” explains Amanda Paluch, one of the researchers of this meta-analysis built around 15 existing studies. The 10,000 steps per day would be mostly “a clear communication tool for public health messages”.

    More steps per day, less risk of death

    This new analysis was based on 47,471 adults from Asia, North America, Australia and Europe. The result ? The 25% of adults who took the most steps each day were 40 to 53% less likely to die.

    “The main takeaway is that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that moving a little more is beneficial, especially for those who do very little activity,” concludes Amanda Paluch.

    Walking 6,000 steps per day can above all be a more easily achievable goal because the 10,000 steps per day would represent approximately 7.5 km. Not always easy to fit into your schedule.
