“You don’t have to pay anything”: these aids to scare away these dangerous pests will be useful to you this summer

You dont have to pay anything these aids to scare

In summer, certain pests proliferate and can be dangerous. This insect, characterized by its dark color, has been classified as a level 2 out of 3 “health hazard”. But certain departments offer assistance to eliminate them.

In summer, the flowers attract bees, essential for pollination, but also this particularly dangerous insect. And when we notice their presence, we often panic, and we don’t really know how to scare them away. Please note that depending on the department, financial aid is granted to residents.

In fact, for several years, the asian hornet proliferates in France. With deleterious consequences on the domestic bee population, but also on wild pollinators. In 2012, this insect, characterized by its darker color than the European hornet, was classified as a “health danger” of level 2 out of 3. A bill was even tabled in Parliament in February 2024 in order to stem the proliferation of the hornet Asian and to preserve the beekeeping industry. But what should you do if you discover a swarm of Asian hornets in your garden or attic? Disposal has a cost, between approximately 100 and 200 euros.
The response to the Asian hornet problem differs depending on the region. And if the possibility of financial support exists in certain departments, this is far from being the case everywhere.

In Normandy, for example, the Orne department offers residents financial support of 33% of the cost of destruction, up to a maximum of 50 euros. A sum to which funding by municipalities can be added, such as in Athis-de-l’Orne, in Caligny which helps up to 67%, within the limit of 100 euros, in Alençon, Damigny, Lonrai and Saint-Germain -du-Corbéis which offer individuals partial support of 30 to 50%). The only exception in the department is the town of Condé-sur-Sarthe, which finances 100% of the nest destruction package. To benefit from it, “individuals, condominium associations and associations must make a nest declaration. It can be carried out by telephone. Once the destruction has been carried out, the beneficiaries must send the necessary supporting documents for support”, indicates Lucie Reaux, technical secretary in the fight against Asian hornets, with Ouest France.

In the Somme department, the aid amounts to 50% of the cost including tax of the destruction, up to 80 euros. It can be combined with other public funding (with the exception of municipalities where 100% coverage already exists).

In Vendée, the Communauté de Communes du Pays de La Châtaigneraie covers 50% of the amount including VAT for the destruction or excluding VAT for those subject to VAT. There is also aid by municipality, some cover the destruction up to 50% within the limit of 50 to 100 euros. In some cases, citizens do not have to pay anything.

Finally, the Agglo Seine Eure offers support of a maximum of 80 euros per nest, in addition to possible departmental aid. Do not hesitate to contact your municipality to check if support is possible.
