“You demean the Koran in a barbaric way”

The burning of the Koran at Stockholm’s mosque on Södermalm has stirred emotions around the world. Imam Mahmoud Khalfi says he condemns the act.
More applications have now come in.

– We have to put a stop to it. Everyone at different levels must take this extremely seriously, says Imam Mahmoud Khalfi to TV4.

The mosque at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm is an important symbol of Islam in Sweden. When TV4’s Jessica Josefsson meets the mosque’s Imam Mahmoud Khalfi, he strongly criticizes the latest Koran burning that took place last week.

– It is awkward and it hurts to see the Koran being kicked and degraded in a barbaric way, says Mahmoud Khalfi.

New applications for Koran burning

New applications have now come in.

– I hope that it will not be approved because the consequences are clear and the reactions in Sweden and in the world are clear. Almost the whole world is against this, says Mahmoud Khalfi.

– It is tragic and absurd that you continue with these actions. It creates more problems in society and offends Muslims.

The imam about the Koran burner

Mahmoud Khalfi also criticizes the man who was behind the latest Koran burning outside the mosque.

– He plays with fire. His action is tragic, barbaric and very troublesome.

Salwan Momika, who burned the Koran outside the mosque, is reported for incitement against a group of people and violation of the fire ban.

A police employee who was on duty during the demonstration drew up a report, with several circumstances that he believes should be classified as incitement against a ethnic group. In connection with the application, Salwan Momika was also informed that there is a fire ban.

“Abuse of freedom of speech”

The imam emphasizes that he protects freedom of expression in Sweden, but that this act exploits the important basic principle.

– We are not talking about the principle itself, it is important and for the good of everyone, but we are talking about abuse of freedom of expression. Some extremists have their own agenda and we must stop evil forces that want to drag us down and create contradictions and conflicts that harm the whole country, says Mahmoud Khalfi and continues:

– Muslims in Sweden are proud to belong to the country and defend the fine image of Sweden. We don’t want it to be damaged, but such actions damage the country’s reputation. When you condemn this and stand against Koran burning, you want to defend and protect all religions.
