You can’t guess what Lars Olov uses the Robinson statuette for

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It was during Sunday that the final of Robinson 2022 took place. In recent weeks, the participants in the competition have fought tooth and nail to stay put and the frenetic bargaining has been a fact.

During the final they finally met Martin Larsson, Lars-Olov Johansson and Christopher Nystedt. Kristofer initially had a huge lead, but it was all evened out when all three competitors got stuck at the “fire fork” moment.

There it was to first light a fire, then set fire to balls they threw at bowls with fists and wood which would then catch fire which in turn would cause a string to come off.

After a good while of fighting, LO and Martin got their way. But LO was the one that got the upper hand in the water.

LO won Robinson 2022. Image source: TV4

He thus won Robinson 2022 and half a million kroner.

– It feels completely unreal. I can’t believe I won the whole Robinson. It’s absolutely crazy, he said then.

“I’m happy for him,” said the friend Kristofer.

For the money, LO is now planning a roof replacement.

– What I am planning is to change the roof of the house and then it will probably be a trip with the whole family, he told The Express.

– Then it is not enough for much more because there is still a tax on it, he concluded.

Lars-Olov shows how he stores the statuette

Now LO is back in Luleå where he has been thrown back into life with work and family. After the final, he took the opportunity to publish some pictures of where he placed his Robinson stayett. And yes, you can say that it is not only used as an ornament.

LO uses it as a dog toy. At least in one of his pictures.

The funny picture. Image source: lorobinson2022/Instagram

This is clearly supported by his followers, including the participant Andreas “Värmland” Haraldsson.

Andrea’s comment. Image source: varmland_andreas

“Good function as a dog toy,” he jokingly wrote.

Big congratulations again!
