With Patch 6.1, Final Fantasy XIV has taken a big step towards solo players and is accordingly closer to the origin of the popular game series. But how well does playing work without other players and is it even fun?
How are solo players supported? Both Final Fantasy XIV and many other MMORPGs can present a frustrating challenge for players who would rather go it alone than experience a game in a group.
Players in Final Fantasy XIV are able to experience aspects of the game with a group of specially selected NPC characters instead of three other players through the so-called trust system. As a result, it is now even possible for solo players to play dungeons from the Shadowbringers, Endwalker and A Realm Reborn expansions.
Check out MeinMMO if you want to know more about the “Final Fantasy XIV” patch 6.1:
Final Fantasy XIV: Update 6.1 now wants to make life easier for solo players – patch notes
Expert Opinion: Is Final Fantasy XIV playable solo?
Who are the experts? Is it possible for solo players to play certain content without other players now? But how well does that work in practice? Online gaming magazine IGN spoke to three content creators who rank as “Final Fantasy XIV” experts.
The following people are the experts:
Everything you need to know about the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV – in 2 minutes
What does Zepla say? One such expert is YouTuber Jessica ‘Zepla’ St. John. She told IGN that she thinks the Trust system is a good solo alternative to group content. However, she added that some activities, such as raids, are still only playable in a group with other players.
One improvement you suggest would be the damage caused by NPC group members in dungeons. According to Zepla, this is well below that of an average player, which means that solo activities would take noticeably longer.
What does Quazii say? Final Fantasy XIV is primarily a single-player RPG, according to Quazii, the content creator revealed to IGN. The title is only secondarily an MMORPG. He goes on to say that the game’s greatest appeal is in the narrative.
Considering the solo player experience, Quazii expressed that it is possible to play the story of the A Realm Reborn expansion entirely on your own.
If you ask FF14 players what they enjoyed most about the game, the vast majority would say it’s the single player quest experience. Especially if you’re working through the main story quest. […] I’m not one to cry at video games, but this game brought me to tears.”
Content creator Quazii to IGN
What does MrHappy say? Content creator MrHappy believes that the trust system will allow solo players to experience the story of Final Fantasy XIV. However, he also believes that it will be a long time before players can play the entire main scenario of the title on their own.
Along with Zepla, the streamer is also in favor of retaining content intended solely for multiplayer. Speaking to IGN, MrHappy suggested that keeping such multiplayer content should encourage players to play dungeons with other players.
Overall, Zepla and Mr Happy like that Final Fantasy 14 as an MMORPG tries to give solo players alternatives, but also think that group play should be encouraged.
Experts’ verdict: Is Final Fantasy XIV suitable for solo players? The three content creators agree to IGN that Final Fantasy 14 is suitable for solo players. MrHappy even thinks MMOs can learn a lot from Square Enix MMORPG.
Zepla suggests that creating new avenues for solo players is crucial to the growth of the MMO genre, while Quazii is struggling to find a title comparable to Final Fantasy XIV in terms of single player story.
Getting into Final Fantasy XIV has quite a few hurdles. Players must learn numerous game mechanics and classes before they can plunge into the challenging content such as dungeons and raids.
Especially for new players, it is helpful when experienced players share the knowledge they have previously gained. But even experienced players can always learn something new. Good preparation is not only of enormous importance for solo players.
If you’re new to Final Fantasy XIV or want to pick up some tips, be sure to check out our Beginner’s Guide!
Final Fantasy XIV: Beginner’s Guide for a smooth start in the MMORPG