The MMORPG Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is under siege by bots farming the in-game currency Territe and driving the login queues into the thousands. In order to avoid the queues, normal players have to use a credit card.
This is why Ni no Kuni is overrun: The launch of the MMORPG Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds in the West was ill-fated. The game’s heavy Pay2Win monetization and the announcement of cryptocurrency and NFTs caused a shitstorm.
But it is precisely these much-criticized features that now ensure that the servers of the MMORPG are bursting at the seams. Ni no Kuni players are currently reporting extremely long queues and hours of waiting because the game is being overrun by bots.
The bots are flooding the game’s servers to mine the in-game currency, Territe, which can be mined in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. Through a multi-stage conversion process, it can then first be converted into “Territe Tokens”, into MARBLEX tokens and then into cryptocurrencies.
Since Netmarble probably didn’t expect such an onslaught of bots, the servers can’t handle the amount of simultaneous logins and long queues form.
“I waited all day and couldn’t play”
Here’s how players can work around the issue: Free2Play players in particular are affected by the long queues and some people are very annoyed about it. Because like almost every MMORPG, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds has its dailys and regular tasks that have to be completed in order to collect rewards.
However, to skip the line, players can grab a credit card and purchase the Daily Adventurer’s Pass, which will cost them just $7.99. The offer will sound tempting for some, because according to user reports, the waiting times range from 30 minutes to many hours.
Players have to wait several hours to get into the game
The Daily Adventurer’s Pass isn’t quite what it sounds like, though. Players don’t have to shell out $7.99 daily to skip the lines. Instead, it is a monthly premium subscription that, in addition to the login skip, also brings other benefits such as login bonuses.
Also, the pass wasn’t released after Netmarble’s bot issue arose, but has been in the game since release.
There are these reactions: Nevertheless, many players are not happy about this development, even if the login skip is not a new invention to make even more profit from the bot problem. On reddit, social media and the official forums, players are complaining about the bot problem:
To combat the rush, Netmarble initially announced that no more characters can be created on the affected servers. This will at least stop the creation of new bots for the time being, but also affects real players.
What do you think of the situation in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds? Write us your opinion in the comments.
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