You can currently watch 2 seasons of a crime series with a star from “Doctor Who” completely free of charge

You can currently watch the crime series Broadchurch for free on Amazon via Freevee. Two of the three seasons are available here.

What kind of series is this? Broadchurch is a British drama and crime series. In it, Doctor Who star David Tennant and Olivia Colman play two investigators who have to solve a shocking murder.

The series is extremely popular and was very well received by both critics and viewers. Broadchurch has an impressive 8.4 stars on IMDB with 126,044 reviews.

The crime series is also rated very well on Rotten Tomatoes:

  • 92% on the Tomatometer
  • 91% in Audience Score
  • Here you can see a trailer for Broadchurch:

    German trailer for Broadchurch with David Tennant and Olivia Colman

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    What is Broadchurch about? The story centers on an idyllic coastal town that is one day thrown into turmoil.

    Eleven-year-old Danny Latimer is found murdered beneath the local cliffs. Now Ellie Miller and Alec Hardy have to find out who is responsible for this crime.

    In doing so, they uncover all sorts of secrets of the seemingly quiet place. On top of that, there are numerous conflicts and accusations among the villagers, and the media becomes aware of what is happening and causes even more unrest.

    How to watch the series for free? You can stream the first two seasons of the crime series for free via Freevee, Amazon’s video platform. But keep in mind that there are commercial breaks.

    This link will take you directly to Broadchurch’s Freeve Amazon page.

    If you already use the Amazon Prime Video app, you can also access the series for free.

    What is Freevee? Freevee belongs to Amazon and is a streaming service where you can watch series and films completely free of charge. Since the offer is financed through advertising, you have to accept small interruptions.

    Actress Olivia Colman knew who the culprit was in the series before filming began. But that was a mistake on the part of the producers and she wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about it – not even the person who played the perpetrator.

    You can read more about it here: Actress accidentally knew the outcome of a popular crime series beforehand and was banned from talking about it
