You buy the cheapest food there

You buy the cheapest food there

The survey includes Ica Maxi, Ica Kvantum, Stora Coop, Willys and City Gross.

Ulf Mazur who is the CEO and founder behind the app Food price check was surprised when they found out how big the differences were.

– Yes absolutely, says Ulf Mazur News24.

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Take the shopping cart elsewhere

Many expenses are fixed. But you can actually influence the food price by shopping at different places, he says.

– What’s so interesting about the purchase of everyday goods is that there is so much money regardless of the type of household, he says.

Most expensive at Stora Coop: SEK 14,497 a month

Stora Coop was the most expensive. An ordinary family who only shops at Coop has to pay SEK 14,497 a month for their groceries.

But those who shopped at the other chains could save anything from a hundred Swedish kroner and up to SEK 1,557 a month.

Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Consumer Agency

As a basis for the survey, the Food Price Survey has based the Swedish Consumer Agency’s household costs per household in 2024, and looked at prices in the major food chains in mid-March.

“It provides a snapshot,” they write on their website.

In order to decide what should be in the food boxes, the basis has been SCB’s weighting of typical households’ consumption within product categories such as fruit, milk and bread and so on.

City Gross and Ica Kvantum

City Gross food box is SEK 485 more expensive than Coop’s, while Ica Kvantum’s is SEK 572 more expensive.

This means that you can absolutely save money by taking the shopping cart there instead of at Coop.

But they are not the cheapest grocery bags. There is more money to save.

Ica Maxi in second place

If you shop at Ica Maxi, you can save SEK 800 compared to if you shop at Coop, and thus pay well under SEK 14,000 for the same goods.

But they only get second place in terms of cheapest weekly shopping.

Willys is the cheapest: Under SEK 13,000

The cheapest chain to shop at is Willys. A month’s action there is SEK 1,486 cheaper than Stora Coop’s.

But Ulf Mazur thinks it is possible to bring the price down further by buying different goods at different stores.

– You should be multi-loyal if you have the chance. Be a member of all the chains and use the week’s offers when deciding what to eat. This applies if you only shop in one or more different stores.

Bonus tip: Shop for cover prices from different stores

Many items are so discounted that the store doesn’t make any money on them, in order to attract customers into the store. By only shopping for items with cover prices from several different chains, you can lower the price even more.

Then you can save another thousand Swedish kroner a month. On average, food prices can be reduced by 20 percent with the help of Matpriskollen’s app, says Ulf Mazur.

– When it comes to fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy, there are huge differences between the regular and the extra price, he concludes.

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