You are actually the villain from Star Wars who has to defend his home

In Helldivers 2 we have to defend the super-earth from possible dangers from outer space. To do this we attack bugs and automatons, which pose a great threat to humanity. It may have become clear to some that we are not necessarily on the side of the good guys. The shooter’s creative director, Johan Pilestedt, now solves the mystery of good and evil.

Which side are we on? Pilestedt revealed that we are actually on the side of the bad guys. At a conference, he gave a talk about the shooter (via YouTube), in which he went into more detail about the origins of the title. Among other things, he showed the original pitch for Helldivers 2.

The basic idea behind the game is the following:

Helldivers is an action co-op shooter in which players take on the role of villains from pop culture. How would you fare as an extra in your favorite action movie from the 80s/90s? Would you survive in a galactic war if you didn’t have “plot armor” to protect you?

Pilestedt cites the stormtroopers from Star Wars as an example. Players should feel like the villains from the films as they try to stop Han Solo from breaking into the Death Star. So in this respect, you are the occupying forces of the Empire.

The question remains whether the players would do better. According to Pilestedt, the parallel to the Death Star should have been obvious.

You can see the “bad guys” from Helldivers 2 in the following trailer:

Helldivers 2 shows its latest warbond “Polar Patriots” in the ice-cold trailer

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The villains in Helldivers 2 defend the Super-Earth

In what form are we evil in Helldivers 2? Some players in the reddit forum have already suspected that the intentions of the elite troops from Helldivers 2 could be evil. In Helldivers 2 we fight bugs on other planets, but they have every reason to fight back (via GameLeap):

  • Humanity discovered that the beetles, also called terminids, leave behind a valuable resource after death. Accordingly, they are slaughtered so that the valuable raw material can be obtained.
  • The Automatons use an artificial intelligence that could be of interest to the super-earth. It is intended to be used to build a suitable voting and tracking system.
  • The Illuminated from Part 1, who could also appear in Part 2, are simply an alien race whose technology was used for the Super-Earth. However, it was taken away in a violent way.
  • The super-earth is said to have been politically unstable before the introduction of guided democracy and computer-assisted voting. Using voting software, the computer now automatically spits out which party the citizens should vote for.

    Critics who accuse this approach of manipulation are considered enemies of law and order. Those who think differently should be reported immediately.

    There are several factors that suggest that there is something not quite right on the Over-Earth and that we are actually playing the bad guys. But the Over-Earth is not the only evil faction. There are also individual players who like to go too far: In Helldivers 2 there is an evil player who endangers peace and democracy
