Yemen’s Houthi rebels: Haniyeh’s assassination is a terrorist crime | News in brief

The Houthi rebels sinking cargo ships in the Red Sea condemned the assassination of the Hamas leader in the strongest possible terms.

the political leader of Hamas to Ismail Haniyeh The assassination is a “horrific terrorist crime,” Yemen’s Houthi rebels say.

The assassination in Tehran aroused strong disapproval among the Houthi rebels.

– Attacking (Haniyeh) is a terrible terrorist crime and a flagrant violation of laws and good values, member of the political wing of the Houthis Mohammed Ali al-Houthi write in the X message service.

The Houthis’ terrorist accusations appear in a strange light considering that the rebel group that controls a large part of Yemen attacks cargo ships in the Red Sea every week. The strikes have sunk several cargo ships from sinking and killed their crew members.

The Houthi rebels justify their naval attacks as part of a campaign to support Palestine and oppose Israel’s military operations and allies.

Source: AFP
