Yellow fever vaccine: validity, where is it mandatory?

Yellow fever vaccine validity where is it mandatory

Yellow fever is a serious illness that is particularly prevalent in South America and Africa. Each year, it affects more than 200,000 people. The only way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated.

Yellow fever is a hemorrhagic fever caused by a virus transmitted by a mosquito bite from the Aedes or Haemagogus family. The disease is mainly seen in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent. “yellow fever is a very nasty mosquito-borne virus whose nature reservoir is monkeys. It is a virus that very quickly attacks the liver and both kidneys. It causes hepatonephritis that usually ends in an intensive care unit“, explains Dr. Patrice Bourée. Vaccination therefore helps protect against this disease. It was Max Theiler, an American doctor of South African origin, who invented the vaccine against yellow fever in 1936. A discovery that won him the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1951. Where is the yellow fever vaccine compulsory? When to do it before a trip? Which is the period of validity yellow fever vaccine? What is the price of the yellow fever vaccine?

Where is the yellow fever vaccine compulsory?

In Francevaccination against yellow fever is mandatory for children over 12 months and adults traveling or residing in Guyana.

Travelling : Vaccination is recommended for people traveling or residing in the intertropical regions of Africa and South America. It may be required by some countries for entry into the territory.

How long is the yellow fever vaccine valid for?

According the Guyane.gouv website, persons vaccinated against yellow fever after the age of two years are now considered as protected for their entire life and in the general case, no longer need a booster shot of this vaccine.

What is the name of the yellow fever vaccine?

The name of the yellow fever vaccine is STAMARIL.

What are the contraindications for the yellow fever vaccine?

The yellow fever vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine contraindicated in pregnant women and immunocompromised people.

What is the composition of the yellow fever vaccine?

STAMARIL contains attenuated yellow fever virus.

Where to get the yellow fever vaccine?

Vaccination against yellow fever can only be carried out in a yellow fever vaccination center approved by the health authorities. The Ministry of Health has released the list of vaccination centers authorized to carry out the yellow fever vaccination on its website.

What is the vaccination schedule for yellow fever?

“There is no recall for yellow fever. A single injection is enough, 10 days before departureexcept for the young child who will have to repeat an injection 10 years later”specifies the infectiologist.

  • Infants up to 8 months old: vaccination is not recommended except in special circumstances.
  • Infants from 9 to 24 months: one dose then a second dose from the age of 6 years and within a maximum period of 10 years.
  • Children over 24 months: single dose.
  • Adults: single dose.
  • Women vaccinated for the first time during pregnancy, people living with HIV and immunocompromised people: a second dose is recommended ten years later.
  • People whose vaccination against yellow fever dates back more than ten years: a second dose is recommended in the event of an epidemic.

What are the side effects of the yellow fever vaccine?

The yellow fever vaccine is generally very well tolerated but it can cause the same side effects as most vaccines, namely:

  • Injection site reaction such as pain, redness, swelling
  • General effects such as fever, muscle or joint pain
  • Allergic reaction : very rare

If you have difficulty breathing, an itchy rash, swelling of the eyes or face, and a drop in blood pressure, you need to consult urgently.

What is the price of the yellow fever vaccine? Is it reimbursed?

Vaccination against yellow fever is not covered by health insurance and its price is free. However, some mutuals reimburse all or part of the costs.

Thanks to Dr Patrice Bourée, infectious disease specialist at the Alfred Fournier Institute in Paris.
