Yanis Marshall: does the Star Academy teacher have a connection with Carla? He answers

Yanis Marshall injured since the 1st prime of Star Academy

YANIS MARSHALL. Internet users have pointed the finger at the “favoritism” of the Star Academy dance teacher towards Carla. Is this privileged link proven?

[Mis à jour le 5 novembre 2022 à 20h30] Since the launch of Star Academy, Internet users have been convinced: Yanis Marshall has a link with Carla. The faithful of the TF1 show have indeed accused the dance teacher of showing favoritism towards the candidate who is, indeed, very good at dancing. A year and a half ago, Kamel Ouali’s replacement liked an Instagram post from the Academician on Instagram. Internet users have also unearthed publications on social networks, and in particular a video from September 24 in which we can see Carla in a performance with Andy Da Veiga, choreographer and dancer of Yanis Marshall, in an extract from the program of France 2 Indeed.

It was enough to ignite the canvas. But Yanis Marshall had however denied having links with Carla before her participation in the Star Academy with Télé 7 Jours: “First, dancing, singing, theater, it’s a very small world. Then, I come from the Paca region, and I know almost all the dance schools there, like the Center Jamel-Nabili, where I taught when I was younger. I remember seeing Carla there, who was a little girl at the time, 6-7 years old. Later, in Paris, she had attended one of my classes, like hundreds of other dance enthusiasts. However, I did not participate in the casting of Star Ac’, and only discovered the students the day before the first prime.” This has the merit of being clear.

Yanis Marshall injured since the first prime of the Star Academy

Yanis Marshall has been a sensation with the general public since joining Star Academy as a dance teacher for the class of 2022. The dancer and choreographer has impressed since the first prime, especially since he has been injured since the launch of the program, which took place on October 15th.

Yanis Marshall has indeed sprained his foot, revealed Michael Goldman, new director of the castle, to the students of Star Academy. “I got into the dressing room just before, he had a bag of ice on his foot and the thing is, he doubles the other foot”. Since then, the dance teacher has tried a few steps in everyday life, but has regularly asked for the help of certain experienced candidates like Carla or other dancers who have come expressly to give his lessons at the castle.

While Denitsa Ikonomova, star of the Dancing with the Stars program, had been the name blown most regularly to endorse the Star Academy 2022 dance teacher costume, it was finally Yanis Marshall who was made official by the production of the Star Academy. The dancer was presented on the eve of the first prime time this Saturday, October 15, being the guest, in the company of Nikos Aliagasfrom the Quotidien program on TMC on Friday 14 October.

Yanis Marshall was born on November 11, 1989 in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) and grew up in Vallauris. He is 32 years old when he takes the reins of Star Academy 2022 dance lessons from October 15, 2022 on TF1.

As a Star Academy dance teacher, Yanis Marshall will necessarily be compared to Kamel Ouali, icon of the program in the 2000s and who then choreographed many musicals such as The 10 Commandments or The Sun King. Asked about this on Friday October 14 in the Daily program, Yanis Marshall rightly mentioned this filiation. “I started my career with Kamel Ouali”, he slipped before adding: “I have known him since I was a kid, since I was 15”. And for good reason since it was at this age that he had actually joined the troupe of the musical Le Roi Soleil directed by Kamel Ouali…

Yanis Marshall first made a name for himself on YouTube by performing numerous choreographies perched on stiletto heels. A particularity that he has exploited to the full in many creations. His Youtube channel now has more than two million subscribers. It was on television that he conquered the public, participating in the program Britain’s Got Talent (the equivalent of France has an incredible talent, broadcast on M6) in the company of two other dancers. He reached the final and then became a coach for several editions of Dancing with the Stars abroad, in Great Britain and then in the Ukrainian version. Yanis Marshall is also the choreographer of one of the Cirque du Soleil shows, Zumanity, which takes place in Las Vegas.

Yanis Marshall revealed his homosexuality and proudly claimed it in 2016, shocked by the Orlando attack which hit a gay nightclub. “I’am gay, very gay”, he had published on his Facebook page before specifying: “I am gay. I have always been gay. I am also very proud to be gay and… Thank you very much! But homophobia is very real, I see it every day in my comment feed here on Instagram, on Facebook or on my Youtube page […] Personally, I don’t care. Totally. But not everyone is as strong as me. I will die wearing my heels! But what happened in Orlando makes me so sad with its sheer cruelty, ignorance and hatred. Please don’t let this stop you from being who you are”. He remains secret about his private life and his possible relationship.

The apprentice artists of the Star Academy 2022 will also be able to rely on his choreographies of clips. Yanis Marshall notably imagined that of Celine Dion for the video clip of the song Ashes. It is he who is disguised in the costume of Deadpool and plays the lining of Ryan Reynolds in this totally crazy clip that surprised Celine Dion fans! The dancer returned to his experience in the columns of several Canadian media. “As a young Frenchman, I was her admirer even before the Americans discovered her,” he explained of the Quebec star. She’s really, really nice – a bit crazy, I would say, but in a good way, and super nice”, he smiled before talking about a shooting that became torture, with dancing in high heels for several hours. ” I was like dead when it ended,” he recalls.
