If the year 2024 and Black myth Wu Kong allowed the world to understand that China is not an actor to take light in terms of video games, it is especially in 2025 where we will see the Impact that Xi Jingping’s country will have on our industry. With the help of PlayStation and its famous China Hero Project launched almost 10 years ago, large -scale games will swallow up this year. Phantom Blade Zero, Where Winds Meet, The Perceiver, Wuchang Fallen Feathers, Lost Soul Aside and the recent Tides of Annihilation, they are all intriguing, promising or even impressive. And precisely, it is from Lost Soul Aside which is discussed in this video of the day, a game which unveiled its release date during the State of Play ten days ago, and which will allow us to shed light on its Creator. His name is Yang Bing, he is now 35 years old, and his game, he did it alone, in his room almost, before Playstation decides to take him under his wing. We’re going to talk about him today, but above all, I’m going to show you almost 20 min from gameplay of this game halfway between Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden and a hint of Fantasy XV Boostamine Boostamine …
The first time we heard of Lost Soul Aside was in 2016. Yang Bing was 25 years old at the time and he had just finalized a first version of his game, all alone in his room, without the help from person. He made it a trailer and posted it on the different possible broadcasting channels: YouTube, Bilibili (the Chinese Youtube) and social networks of course. A trailer that caught the eye of PlayStation, and in particular Shuhei Yoshida which launched in parallel the China Hero Project program, which is a program which aims to identify and support the most ambitious and talented Chinese teams By providing development, publishing and marketing aid. Yang Bing obviously shed all his boxes. The following year, it was at the 2017 PlayStation Experience that the game was unveiled through a long gameplay sequence, almost 15 minutes. Since then, Yang Bing has passed the high speed and has founded its own studio: Ultizero Games of which he is the CEO today. We do not know how many people work with him today, but it is undoubtedly a small team, hence the time that the game put to arrive to us, almost 10 years I recall. Yang Bing does not hesitate to explain that it was difficult enough for him at the start, because his young age and his lack of experience did not allow him to be as effective as a veteran of the video game, accustomed to all tools and production methods. But Yang Bing learned from the job, from PlayStation members who supported him from start to finish, Lost Soul Aside being scheduled for May 30 on PS5 and PC.
Kaser Saucé
Because of his young age, Yang Bing is someone who has been rocked by many contemporary games and if he boots a little in touch when asked for his influences and the games that made it possible to shape his lost soul aside, However, he admits to being attracted by the games that go fast, with a lot of visual effects. Of course, when you see your game, it’s hard not to see the gameplay of a Devil May Cry or a Ninja Gaiden with precisely this speed and this fluidity of execution in the movements. For comparison with Final Fantasy, it is not very difficult to detect, Kazer, the hero of Lost Soul Aside is very similar to Noctis de FF XV … but Lost Soul Aside is distinguished by its speed. The game goes fast, very quickly, too fast for some who could talk about epilepsy because it goes by things on the screen. In terms of combat system, Lost Soul Aside includes a light attack and a heavy attack, but both of which can be loaded to give access to other spectacular blows. Kazer can jump, dodge and there is also a blocking button. The idea is therefore to make as many combos as possible, both on the ground or in the air, knowing that you can also slam an enemy on the ground to then finish it with a Finish Move.
Unlike Devil May Cry, Launcher an enemy is done by maintaining the light attack, and it is not necessary to maintain the locking button on an enemy. This is where the resemblance to FFXV is obvious, because it means that certain situations are automatically assigned by the game. If you are too far from your enemy and that you press to attack, Kazer will launch towards the enemy by reducing The distance, or will carry out remote attacks to inflict damage. The idea is to offer a simple access gameplay, always with this velocity that characterizes it. Besides, to come back to the Finish Moves, know that they can trigger after an enemy has suffered damage, it is enough to press Carré + X to perform this execution, which does not complete the opponent but rather inflicts big damage. This is particularly useful on bosses to have them vacillated more quickly. There is also the mechanics of Outburst, which allows Kazer to go back in trans somewhere and is triggered by maintaining the R2 button, which has the effect of increasing the power of Kazer’s next attack. Since our hero will have the choice between several weapons, the different attacks and in the case of the sword with two hands, it increases the scope, the decline and the power of the attack while making another one another Step with two fiery hands follows his movements, which allows him to strike twice. Of course, like any self -respecting DMC, Lost Soul Aside is governed by a power gauge and when she reaches her climax, you then have access to other attacks, even more devastating.
Special partner
Another thing you need to know is that Kazer is always accompanied by an entity, named after Arena and capable of transforming. It can be used as a big sword, but also as a hoverboard to allow our character to move faster. We can also combine attacks with this transformation into hoverboard and it injects a slightly eccentric side which is reminiscent of Devil May Cry. Calling on Arena is with the L2 key, knowing that we have three magic spells with it, with different effects and that adapt to all types of situations. Otherwise, Lost Soul Aside has given way to the mechanics of the endurance gauge and it define the whole dodge system, which will not be unlimited. Whenever you dodge an attack, Kazer consumes 1/4 of his endurance gauge, which means that you can dodge 4 times in a row. The endurance gauge fills up fairly quickly and almost without delay, so if you have spaced your dodges, you can make it much more than Quere. During perfectly an attack will also allow you to counterattack with a burst of ultra-fast attacks while keeping you invincible. You can also choose to make a parade by pressing the round button, which considerably uses less endurance but is less indulgent, and can be carried out during the fight because the animation shows the partner of Kazer surrounding him with a Shield to deflect attacks.
So there are quite a few interesting mechanics in this lost soul aside which may not be as complex as the gamepay of a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, but will be enough fun and accessible to seduce nervous, fast combat lovers and spectacular. Yang Bing promises that the frame-drive will be 60FPS on standard PS5, because it is important to keep this flawless fluidity in its game. It remains to be seen how the game will interest on duration, if the gameplay will be evolving, if the ‘History will be interesting and if the bosses will be challenging, but I imagine that Sony will organize all of this in a short time, the play being scheduled for May 30, 2025, in two short months!