YALOVA HOLIDAY PRAYER TIME 2023: What time is the Eid prayer in Yalova? 21 April 2023 Eid al-Fitr prayer times

YALOVA HOLIDAY PRAYER TIME 2023 What time is the Eid

With the end of the month of Ramadan, research on Eid prayer times has also gained momentum. Eid prayer will be held on the first day of Eid in every part of our country. Citizens, on the other hand, are wondering about the Eid prayer time in their city. So, what time will the Eid prayer be held in Yalova? Here are the Ramadan Feast prayer times on April 21, 2023.

Ramadan Feast prayer times have been announced. Eid prayers will be held at 06.34 in Ankara, at 06.49 in Istanbul, at 06.59 in Izmir, at 07.00 in Çanakkale and at 05.50 in Iğdır.


Yalova Eid prayer time was announced as 06:48.



1. Rakat

After intending the Eid prayer, takbir is said and hands are tied.

In turn, the imam orator and the congregation silently recite the “Subhaneke prayer”, then intermittently;

Just like iftitah takbir, the hands are raised to ear level again, and the 1st takbir is taken and the hands are shaken to the sides,

Then the 2nd Takbir is said and the hands are waved to the sides again,

Then the 3rd Takbir is said and this time the hands are tied at the level of the navel.

Imam; He secretly recites “Euzu basmala” and openly reads “Surah Fatiha” together with “Surah Al-Qur’an in an amount that will replace an additional sura”. The congregation silently listens to the imam.

Performing ruku’ and prostration, the 2nd rak’ah is raised.


  1. rakat
    Imam; He secretly recites the “Basmala”, openly reads the “Surah Fatiha” together with “The Qur’an in an amount that will replace an increased surah or an increased surah”. The congregation silently listens to the imam.

Then again, just like iftitah takbir, the hands are raised to ear level again.

  1. Takbir is taken and hands are waved to the sides,

Then the 2nd Takbir is said and the hands are waved to the sides again,

Then the 3rd Takbir is said and the hands are waved to the sides again,

Finally, the 4th Takbir is recited, but this time the hands are not raised to ear level and bowing is performed.


After ruku and prostration, one sits down, “Tahiyyat, Salli-Barik prayers” are read and the prayer is completed by saluting first to the right side and then to the left side.

After that, in the company of the muezzin, takbir (tashrik) is uttered 3 times together. With these takbirs, the imam hatip ascends to the pulpit to deliver the eid sermon.
