Yakkyo aims to be listed on Piazza Affari

Yakkyo aims to be listed on Piazza Affari

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Yakkyoan innovative SME established in 2016 by Giovanni Conforti and Carol Hsiao, is considering listing on the Stock Exchange to “raise new capital and grow again”. This can be read in an article in Repubblica Bari, which mentions the management of the company that provides services for the procurement, purchase and shipment of products from China through integrated software solutions.

Yakkyo has its registered office in Rome and operates through operational headquarters in Casamassima (BA) also maintaining agreements with Chinese partners in order to guarantee a direct logistics network in the territory instrumental to the procurement of products, and with an American partner, in order to have a logistics center at the service of customers active in the USA.

The company – which has around fifteen employees – claims to be the only European-based company dealing with develop integrated software solutions for the dropshipping process and wholesale sales of third-party products.

The production value was 6.5 million euros at the end of 2022 (almost 25 million euros in the last three years), while theEBITDA margin adjusted is 15.2% of turnover.
