Xur is also at the start in Destiny 2 during Iron Banner Week. MeinMMO tells you what its offer looks like, where you can find it and whether it’s worth it.
What happened in Destiny this week? Amid the turmoil at Bungie, where takeover concerns and internal tensions are simmering, Destiny 2 is also struggling with the plague of cheaters in PvP.
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All information about Xur on December 8th, 2023 – PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S
When is Xur coming? He appears in Destiny 2 weekly on Fridays at 6:00 p.m. and remains present in the game world until the following Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. During this time, Guardians from all over the world can visit his shop and purchase exotic items.
Where is Xur located? This is his camp for the weekend
The position of Xur: After the reset at 6:00 p.m., the search begins and the players fly to Xur’s possible locations. The MeinMMO editorial team is there and will tell you where to look.
This is where Xur is located: Fly to the European Dead Zone, Winding Bay
Xur’s inventory from December 8th – 12th – All exotics at a glance
What does Xur have to offer? Xur offers a wide selection of exotic equipment and weapons on behalf of the Nine, which he sells to all Guardians in exchange for Legendary Fragments in Season 22.
Its inventory changes weekly and offers new players in particular the opportunity to improve their skills through the use of Exos and equip themselves more quickly for the challenges in Destiny 2.
This is Xur’s offer
Weapon: The Jade Rabbit – Scout Rifle for 29 Legendary Shards
Hunter: Ophidia Spata – Chest Armor for 23 Legendary Shards
Titanium: An Insurmountable Skullfest – Headguard for 23 Legendary Shards
Warlock: Skull of the Terrible Ahamkara – Headguard for 23 Legendary Shards
Legendary Armor Set: “Monarch” set
In addition to the regular offering, Xur sells unique rolls for Exotics from no longer available Exotic missions from past DLCs. However, you can only buy these weapons from Xur if you also have the appropriate expansion.
He currently has one weapon on offer:
Lord Saladin again offers Iron Banner control
Tribute was not well received: The newest Iron Banner mode “Tribute” only lasted 2 days. Bungie actually wanted to inspire Guardians with a mix of “Relic” and “Fortress” modes for a new type of Iron Banner. But that backfired.
For most Guardians, Tribute in Iron Banner was simply Gambit in a new package. They wanted to play control, like it always was.
Bungie recognized this and replaced the mode after initial feedback from players. However, it is not completely abandoned as people will think about how to make the experience an entertaining one after all.
If you really want to score well in the Iron Banner, then pack the Dorn hand cannon – ideally with its catalyst: The most poisonous weapon in Destiny 2 finally gets what players have been begging for for years