Amid the festive lights and snowy landscapes of Destiny 2, there is a very special weekly visitor who bestows exotic gifts on Guardians – Xur, the mysterious Agent of the Nine. He also brings you exotic goods this festive season.
What happened in Destiny this week? Bungie went on winter break this week. The developer is only there in the background to intervene in the event of errors and problems. The weekly blog will only appear again from January 16th.
However, in Destiny 2 this week, Guardians were almost all about good weapons.
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All information about Xur on December 22nd, 2023 – PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S
When is Xur coming? He appears in Destiny 2 weekly on Fridays at 6:00 p.m. and remains present in the game world until the following Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. During this time, Guardians from all over the world can visit his shop and purchase exotic items.
Where is Xur located? This is his camp for the weekend
The position of Xur: After the reset at 6:00 p.m., the search begins and the players fly to Xur’s possible locations. The MeinMMO editorial team is there and will tell you where to look.
This is where Xur is located: in the European Dead Zone, so fly to Winding Bay
Xur’s inventory from December 22nd to 26th. – All exotics at a glance
What does Xur have to offer? Xur offers a wide range of exotic equipment and weapons on behalf of the Nine, which he will only sell to all Guardians in exchange for Legendary Shards in Season 23.
Its inventory changes weekly and offers new players in particular the opportunity to improve their skills through the use of Exotics and equip themselves more quickly for the challenges in Destiny 2.
This is Xur’s offer
Weapon: Coldheart – Trace Rifle for 29 Legendary Shards
Hunter: Celestial Nighthawk – Headguard for 23 Legendary Shards
Titanium: Synthoceps – Armguard for 23 Legendary Shards
Warlock: Felwinter’s Helm – head protection for 23 Legendary Shards
Legendary Armor Set: “Kairos Function” set, the Merkur set
In addition to the regular offering, Xur sells unique rolls for Exotics from no longer available Exotic missions from past DLCs. However, you can only buy these weapons from Xur if you also have the appropriate expansion.
He currently has one weapon on offer:
Trials of Osiris from December 22nd – 26th – Maps, weapons and information
Over Christmas you can also play the Trials, the Trials of Osiris, to recover from the delicious food, cookies and family get-togethers. So stop by the 14th Saint.
Which map is on this week? In the trials, the Guardians have to concentrate on a specific map. It does not change and will remain active until the weekly reset on December 26th at 6:00 p.m.
This map is active: Meltdown
This is the reward for a flawless run: Every week a very special weapon awaits you on the lighthouse, which you will receive as a master version for your flawless run, i.e. 7 victories. You can get the weapon until next Tuesday, December 26th at 6:00 p.m.
There is always an Adept weapon as a reward if you make it to the lighthouse safely with your ticket.
This week’s Master Trials weapon is: Igneous Hammer
When do the trials officially start? The Trials of Osiris begins today, December 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. and ends with the Weekly Reset, December 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
Focus on the loot you want: By the way, you can focus your test engrams on the 14th saint specifically on your desired weapon. There are also enhancement prisms and ascendant fragments. Your reward will continue to increase once you have a full pass – even if you’ve lost a Trials match or two.
On behalf of the Destiny editorial team at MeinMMO, we would of course like to wish all the brave Guardians out there a peaceful time. May your time in the world of Destiny 2 be filled with warm encounters, epic battles, and special gifts. As was the case with this Guardian: Friendship in Destiny 2 leads to unexpected happiness: “Single-handedly changed my life”