Xiaomi made an official statement about slowing down the phone

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

South Korean tech giant Samsung’s A similar process after the GOS issue Xiaomi was also on the agenda.

Let’s briefly recap for those who missed it. Installed on some phones and tablets from Samsung Game Optimizing Service (GOS) over full up to 10 thousand It turns out that it throttles the performance of the application. Unlike the expansion of GOS, the process does not only cover the games. Microsoft Office applications, Netflix, Google Keep, TikTok and Samsung’s own applications such as Secure Folder, Cloud, Pay and Pass are among the applications that throttle performance. Performance tests such as 3DMark, Antutu, PCMark, GFXBench and GeekBench 5 are among the applications that were throttled according to the tests. not taking. In other words, in performance tests, the power of the phones is used to the fullest, while in other applications, optimization in battery – performance – fluency trio is being done.

Last month, this situation caused a reaction and users were not given a choice in the process, so a step back was taken and an update was made. Then directly Xiaomi It came up. John Poole, co-founder of Geekbench to the description by Xiaomiis playing on the performance of their phones according to the application.

For example, the highest performance on Xiaomi’s phones is provided when Geekbench is detected. In this way, the score is as high as possible. In other games/apps performance, battery and warming the power is being throttled to restore the balance. Although this makes sense for companies, users like it. not going.


Users want to get the highest possible performance from their phones. Special performance adjustments from this type of application / game name often attract a lot of backlash, as they are hidden rather than obvious. Making a statement today Xiaomiprocess accepting it implicitly exactly that conveyed:

“Xiaomi is designed to provide optimum product experience, especially in high-performance applications / games used for long periods of time. temperature management strategies is implementing. Most of our devices offer 3 types of performance modes that allow users to adjust the balance between performance and energy efficiency. At the system level, all optimizations related to application performance evaluate many key factors such as power consumption, performance and thermal impact.

It is not yet known whether Xiaomi will make an update in this process. If this process makes more noise, the company will have high performance heat and battery consumption in the future. A special mode that opens it to the end can be brought.

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