Xi Jinping remains the leader of China and its armed forces – the way to one-man rule is open

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Xi Jinping has paved his way to become a Mao Zedong-sized leader in China. Officially, he may not be a sole ruler, but in practice Xi is now dictating China’s goals. The core circle of power has been cleared of doubters and critics.

11:01am•Updated 11:16am

BEIJING The General Secretary of the Communist Party stepped in front of the international press this morning in a calm and satisfied mood Xi Jinping i.e. the supreme leader of China.

followed in the Great Hall of the People, as the core group of power, the six other members of the Standing Committee of the Party’s Politburo, stood next to Xi under the huge chandeliers.

The continuation of Xi himself as China’s leader for a third five-year term was not a surprise. After all, he himself decided five years ago that China’s leaders can stay in power longer than two terms.

The autocrat who ruled China with an iron grip Mao Zedong’s since, Chinese leaders have changed after two terms to avoid strong autocratic leaders.

Xi has changed this. The older men of the Standing Committee, but under the age of 68 as required by the rules, are known to be loyal to Xi Jinping.

It is important for the leader of China and its armed forces. He has now cleared his way to become the greatest leader since Mao.

Xi’s grip on China’s power is now firm. The cleansing of the suspects was seen dramatically on Saturday at the closing ceremony of the party meeting. Former president Hu Jintao was kicked out of his seat next to Xi Jinping.

According to state media, the 79-year-old Hu is unwell. But the image of the reluctantly ousted former leader, who is not Xi’s confidants, was immortalized in the world’s memory.

Xi Jinping, who has strengthened his power, was left in the hall as the only current or former leader of China, with an empty seat next to him. It has been asked why a confused Hu was taken away at the same moment that the media was allowed into the hall to film.

Current Prime Minister Li Keqiang again fell out of the party’s central committee and practically from a position of power. He represented a more liberal economic line than Xi, who has tightened the party’s grip on private companies in recent years. Lita has been considered Xi’s rival.

Due to his age, Li could have remained in the Central Committee, as the retirement age for party leadership is 68. That applies to everyone except 69-year-old Xi Jinping.

Among other things, the person who led last spring’s drastic corona lockdown as party leader in Shanghai joined the new standing committee Li Qiang. He is Xi Jinping’s confidant and is expected to be the next prime minister at next spring’s National People’s Congress.

However, it seems difficult to identify Xi’s successor from the new core group. It could mean that X has a desire to stay in power for a third term even longer. In China, leaders tend to indicate who their favorite followers are.

Xi Jinping praised in his speech China’s success. He said the economy is strong and will continue to strengthen. He said China will continue to open up. The economy has suffered in recent years, among other things, precisely because of the Chinese management’s policy of strict regulation of companies and severe corona restrictions. However, Xi did not mention the problems.

Xi praised the superiority of the one-party system and its ability to self-regulate. At the core of his politics is an even greater centralization of power to the Communist Party. Even the economy is subordinate to the party in Xi’s line. The sharp line towards big real estate, technology and tutoring companies in recent years shows that. Under the pressure of regulation, many companies are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Xi Jinping’s popularity shows hard now. During the week-long party congress, delegates extolled the goodness of their leader at press conferences for us reporters and quoted Xi’s ideology, which is now enshrined in the party’s charter.

Immortalization has meaning. It means that Xi’s view is officially the most important and last word in China. In addition to the centralization of power, the charter also includes the goal of strengthening the Chinese military and opposing Taiwan’s independence.

For the West, Xi’s continuation in China’s grip on power means that tensions will continue unchanged.

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