Xi Jinping for maintaining the “zero Covid” strategy

Xi Jinping for maintaining the zero Covid strategy

China ” will stick “to the strategy” Zero Covid said Chinese President Xi Jinping, faced with the rebound of the Omicron variant in the country. And this despite the fatigue Zero Covid after two years of pandemic.

From our correspondent in Beijing,

We raise the left leg, then the right leg, a leap forward, a leap back, the video of this health brigade in a full protective suit performing a ” bunny dance to get motivated amid the Covid resurgence, immediately went viral in China. The surge in cases has led to the return of these phantoms with plexiglass visors above the mask in front of the massive screening tents in the megacities.

The Gospel According to Xi

Tired volunteers who need to be remobilised. During a meeting of the main Chinese leaders on Thursday March 17, Xi Jinping thus indicated that the country would continue ” to put people and life first “Reports China Central Television, implied despite the economic difficulties caused by these health restriction measures.

►Read: China: Covid-19 outbreak continues, travel reduced to a minimum

The health of the Chinese whatever the cost, even if the strategy ” Zero Covid is forced to adapt, recognizes the Head of State, who calls in particular for strengthening key technological areas, such as vaccination, self-testing and drug research.

In his March 15 reportthe National Health Commission has just approved a Pfizer Covid treatment and authorized the antigen tests which have just been distributed in Jilin, one of the most affected provinces, indicates Beijing News. The declarations of the Head of State are gospel words in China, but in the present case, they do not close the debate.

Evolution of the “Zero Covid” strategy

China, where SARS-CoV-2 emerged in late 2019, has not seen any deaths linked to viral pneumonia for more than a year. Health authorities are hoping for the release of Chinese mRNA vaccines in the spring. These were already expected before the end of 2021, so as to strengthen the population’s immunity against Omicron.

The Chinese in megalopolises are vaccinated at more than 85%, but Chinese inactivated vaccines have shown less effectiveness against Omicron. While waiting for new vaccines and treatments, the videos of the white suits, sometimes compared to the soldiers of the Galactic Empire of Star Wars, continue to create the buzz. Some even transform their jump rope in anti-Covid protective gear.

Chinese epidemiologists, such as Zhang Wenhong recently, are now talking openly about a necessary evolution of the “Zero Covid” strategy, which would take into account the characteristics of the Omicron variant, which is more contagious, but less dangerous according to public health studies carried out in many countries. Many countries.
