With the new shooter XDefiant, publisher Ubisoft meets the zeitgeist and many players hope for serious competition for Call of Duty. A missing feature in public matches in particular gives many players hope. But then you have to do it yourself.
Assassin’s Creed and The Division publisher Ubisoft is poaching the Call of Duty hunting grounds with XDefiant. The new shooter not only looks at first glance as if you had copied a lot from the industry leader CoD.
However, they also go their own way and have apparently asked the Call of Duty community what wishes and concerns have been plaguing players for a long time.
For CoD players, the SBMM is regularly at the top of the list – skill-based matchmaking. XDefiant doesn’t use it in public matches, and many players really appreciate that.
However, matches without SBMM can be a nightmare, especially for beginners. Even when leveling weapons, strong players can kill the fun. A much-discussed tweet offers the solution: rage-quit.
You can find out more about the new Ubisoft shooter in the trailer:
XDefiant Game Overview Deep Dive Trailer
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YouTuber suggests just leaving matches
What is discussed? It’s a clip by YouTuber ProReborn, which he also posted on Twitter:
What can you see in the video? ProReborn is playing a Match XDefiant and the opposing team has at least one heavily sweating player who is playing incredibly well. But ProReborn would prefer to level up his M4 in peace. Unlike his tormentor, he doesn’t even have the MP7 meta-weapon.
For such situations in a game without SBMM, he has a lesson in store:
All right, we’re going to show the internet something today. The guy walks steeply, has the MP7 – I haven’t unlocked it yet – he does his thing, he hits everything. He’s sweating a little too hard for what I’m currently trying to do.
Currently I want to level up my M4. Sit back, relax and level up my M4.
So here’s what we do in a game without skill-based matchmaking: [er beendet das Match und geht zurück zum Hauptmenü] and then I find another match that I don’t feel like using meta weapons to counter.
Crazy concept right?
He then pokes fun at advocates of SBMM, saying in a disguised voice, “Oh, I need SBMM to protect me,” ending in a normal voice, “Leave the match, find another.”
Rage-Quit instead of SBMM – Is that the solution?
How is this discussed? Since ProReborn’s statements have already been presented quite sharply, the tweet gets appropriate comments. The tone below the tweet is harsh but not necessarily aggressive.
Many agree with ProReborn, public matches don’t need SBMM. A user writes, for example: “You hit the nail on the head”. Many agree – public matches don’t need the system, only ranked matches should run with SBMM.
But not everyone goes along with whether a rage quit is the right course of action. Some argue that the current match should be played through. That’s why a lot of players didn’t want SBMM – it’s about being dominated in one match and dominating in another.
Matches in which you are dominated are the matches in which you learn something, in which you get better, try new things and advance. After the match you can still leave the current playlist and look for new opponents.
There are a few comments defending SBMM and listing the benefits for new players. But supporters of the system are clearly outnumbered.
How do you feel about SBMM? Leave a comment with your opinion.
The new shooter from Ubisoft is scheduled to be released in 2023, and the beta was recently extended a few days.
It remains to be seen if XDefiant has what it takes to stand up to Call of Duty. The beta struggled with some problems, and there is also great skepticism about publisher Ubisoft.
However, the reputation of the shooter has improved significantly since its introduction. The negative feedback on the announcement was news to us at the time: The new shooter from Ubisoft is already having a bad time – 10,000 downvotes on YouTube