XDefiant, Ubisoft’s free arena shooter, has extended its closed beta. This was announced by the game’s official Twitter account.
The new Shooer is often compared to Call of Duty, both by popular streamers like MontanaBlack and by the community, who praise the map design and fresh gameplay. The GameStar also collected some judgments from well-known CoD experts like FaZe Jev. The well-known streamer and professional says that xDefiant is a sure hit, but not necessarily a “CoD killer”.
Drops are currently also running on Twitch, but only weapon skins for them MK22 and D50. You might be lucky enough to get xDefiant beta keys through the traditional route.
Is there a hit coming up here? The success came as a surprise, but the high number of players, the many viewers on Twitch and also the many positive reactions send clear signals that a surprise hit is being formed here and that a dynamic could arise, as was the case with Apex Legends at the time. Another indication are the high Google searches, which even exceed well-known games like Call of Duty, Apex Legends or Destiny 2:
The game in short: XDefiant is Ubisoft’s new arena shooter, coming for free on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. The game lets you compete as factions from Tom Clancy games like The Division or Splinter Cell that have special abilities. The game offers various PvP modes, some without skill-based matchmaking, which promise fast and action-packed battles.
Here you can see the gameplay of xDefiant
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What do you all mean? Will xDefiant be a big hit and how do you see it compared to CoD or Battlefield?