Xbox boss talks about cloud-native gaming device and more

Xbox boss talks about cloud native gaming device and more

xbox head of the world Phil Spencer, made many statements as part of an event today.

Phil Spencer In a photo shared on Twitter last week by keystone named cloud gaming device had shown himself. Spencer, who made a statement about this device at the WSJ event this evening, said that they tried the device within the company, but the exit will not be clear soon stated. The device may come in the future, but according to the statement, even a 2024-centered release seems unlikely. keystonemonitors or televisions HDMI it’s a very small piece of hardware to be connected via and if it comes out in the future Xbox Cloud Gaming will work on its basis.

For those who don’t know, this service is xbox It allows games to be played online. persons to use the service. Game Pass Ultimate subscription and high speed Wi-Fi or LTE It is sufficient to have access to the connection.


Microsoft has made a statement on this before., “Our goal is to enable people to play the games they want, on the devices they want, wherever they want. As we announced last year, we are working on a gaming device codenamed Keystone that can be connected to any TV or monitor without the need for a console.” he said.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer He also made other statements this evening. One of the most important explanations here is possible related to the price increase.. For now xbox Stating that there will be no price increase for hardware and services, Spencer signaled that there may be an increase in certain products in the new year. No specific information is given here, but In addition to consoles, there may be an increase in the price of services such as Game Pass by 2023.

Game Pass Speaking of which, Spencer also spoke about it. Stating that Game Pass is already a profitable service for Microsoft, Spencer, Game Pass has grown seriously, especially on the PC side, while the growth on the console side has decreased. stated. Spencer also spoke to the “metaverse”, saying that existing solutions seem like a poorly made video game.
