X (Twitter) gets reactions with its secret advertising move

X Twitter gets reactions with its secret advertising move

The latest company owned by Elon Musk twitter or new name Xthis time react with hidden advertising application pulling.

X (Twitter) It was written that all the advertisements in it were advertisements until now. Recently, users started to encounter advertisements without advertisement inscriptions. These ads appear to come from a normal account that is followed. As no surprise, it attracted a lot of reactions.. At this stage, it is not known whether this practice is a mistake or a deliberate step. However, the company may face investigation over this (FTC and EASA don’t want this) is said. Laws in many regions require advertisements to be clearly identified as advertisements. This kind of practice is absolutely not accepted. Since X (Twitter) is not in direct contact with the press at the moment, it does not respond to questions sent about the situation. X is the latest in advertising ad revenue sharing He made a splash with his system. You know, the system was opened to everyone globally last month. Those who want to be involved in the revenue sharing process Must be a Twitter Blue subscriber. At the same time, shared posts At least 15 million views in the last 3 months to get is made mandatory. The process in which 500 followers are also obligatory, open to Turkey and money transfers “Strip” It is done through. Stripe is not officially in Turkey, but it can send money from abroad to designated accounts.

