Popular platform owned by Elon Musk by purchasing it for 44 billion dollars Xon a tag for parody accounts was working.
Unfortunately, there are many parody accounts on X (formerly Twitter). These accounts, which usually have a blue approval badge, imitate famous people. It is explicitly allowed by the platform. These people can only be asked for their account names.spoof/parodyIt is requested to add the phrase “. X, who took a new step in this regard, now misleading many people parody in the accounts as above “parody account” shows the label. This label, which is slowly becoming available, It will make it much easier to understand that the account is a parody than before. The platform, which remains at the center of the internet when it comes to getting news, had previously come to the fore with an algorithm change. As announced by Elon Musk The algorithm of the X platform will soon be updated to highlight more informative and entertaining content. Stating that they do not want to constantly present negative or bad content to users, Elon Musk said, in addition to the algorithm update that he said will be made soon, “We are working on new ways to make it easier to dynamically adjust content flow.” He also made a statement. Musk does not yet give any details about these new roads. However, it seems that in the coming period, users will be able to adjust the content they want to see in their main streams.