WWF warns about the popular food fish – so rarely should you eat it

WWF warns about the popular food fish so rarely

According to the RISE research institute, in Sweden we eat around 124,000 tonnes of food from the sea every year, i.e. fillets and shellfish without shells.

WWF warns about Norwegian farmed salmon

In Sweden, we eat more salmon than both herring, cod and shrimp combined. Now the World Wildlife Fund WWF has issued a warning regarding the Norwegian farmed salmon that is grown in open crates.

– The advice is to eat it once a year, perhaps on special days or weekends, says Inger Melander, expert on fisheries and market at WWF, to Today’s news.


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Photo: Jessica Gow / TT So rarely should you eat the fish

When it comes to Norwegian farmed salmon, it invites WWF’s fishing guide for caution. In the god day, the fish has been given a yellow light.

According to the WWF, you should only eat food fish on special occasions or once a year.

– Yellow light is a strong signal that there are indications that things are not right with this aquaculture, it is not sustainable, says Inger Melander, expert on fisheries and markets at WWF, to Today’s news.

The recommendation not to eat the salmon too often is not about it being very harmful or harmful to health, but it has to do with the breeding of the salmon itself, which is not sustainable.

If you want to replace the salmon with something else, rainbow trout farmed in Sweden can be a good alternative, writes Dagens Nyheter.


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