“Wrong” people exposed to serious arson in Nyköping

In the space of a few minutes, three serious arsons took place in Nyköping last weekend.
Two of the attacks are believed to have been directed at the “wrong” people, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.
Now the police fear an escalation of the spiral of violence.

In just over a month, seven serious crimes linked to the local conflict in Nyköping have occurred and another bomb murder has been averted.
Several of the acts are linked to a list, which the police has drawn up, of targets for attacks, something TV4 Nyheterna was previously able to tell.

Four people affected

On Saturday evening, September 30, there were three serious arsons in three different apartment buildings in the municipality. The first arson was started at 10.47pm in a stairwell and was followed by two more fire attacks – within minutes.

In all cases, the perpetrators had poured out flammable liquid and set it on fire. One person had to be taken to hospital and three were treated by paramedics on site. No one was seriously injured, something the police call pure luck.

Mistake: Mixed up gate and floor

The triple crime is linked to the same conflict, and TV4 Nyheterna can now say that the police are working on the theory that in two of the three incidents, they targeted the “wrong” people.

– The perpetrators are believed to have taken the wrong gate or the wrong floor. But in the third incident, it must have been against the person you think would have been the target, says a source to TV4 Nyheterna.

Relatives of criminals

In all three places that, according to the police’s theory, were the real targets, live relatives of people connected to the ongoing violent conflict in Nyköping, and several of them are linked to the police’s list of intended victims.

According to TV4 Nyhetern’s data, the police have previously had surveillance at the addresses. However, it should not have been about so-called permanent surveillance, but the patrols have patrolled the locations.

Earlier, the police stated that they do not know exactly what the conflict is based on or what it is about. However, one must have a clear picture of who is involved in the spiral of violence and according to information to TV4 Nyheterna, several of them must have left the country.

The police state that they continue to work intensively to prevent more crimes. Among other things, reinforcements have been brought in from different parts of the country.

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