Wrestled down woman at salon

Trump is going to talk to Putin on Tuesday: “Very good chance to end the war”


Three news you must not miss:

  • Wrestled down woman at salon

    Wrestled down woman at salon

    Police were alerted tonight about a suspected brawl in central Uppsala. According to the alarm, a man would hold a woman, possibly the woman would also lie on the ground.

    When the police arrived at the scene, it turned out to be true.

    It is staff at a salon who holds a female customer trying to leave the salon without paying.

    After talking to the woman, who is 18 years old, she chooses to pay.

    The police can then leave the salon without establishing any report.

    No person was injured in connection with the incident.

  • Data: Russia recruits addicts

    Data: Russia recruits addicts

    Säpo should have been given information that Russia is trying to recruit people in Sweden with substance abuse problems.

    It raises TV4 with reference to source guides.

    According to TV4, the Russians must recruit people with substance abuse problems or criminals who engage in so -called quantity crimes, everyday and less serious crimes, to carry out different types of sabotage.

    – These individuals are exploited because no one suspects them, says a source.

    Police are now invited to keep an extra look for these people.

    Säpo does not want to comment on the information.

  • Start at the Swedish Tax Agency

    Start at the Swedish Tax Agency

    On the Swedish Tax Agency’s website it says that you can declare from March 18. But several of Aftonbladet’s readers hear after being able to declare already today – a day early.

    And it turns out to be true.

    – Yes, we usually test the system the day before. And if you come in during such a test period, you can declare, says Christina Lindqvist, press secretary at the Swedish Tax Agency

    And the declarations submitted prematurely apply.

    – If you come through and get a confirmation, then you have declared, says Christina Lindqvist.

  • Choppy


    Police were alerted tonight about a traffic accident between a passenger car and an electrical kick bike.

    The accident must have occurred on Nobelvägen at the intersection with Lönngatan in Malmö.

    Ambulance care is also called to the accident site.

    The injury situation is currently unclear.

  • Screaming blotter arrested

    Screaming blotter arrested

    A man in his 60s today was unmistakable women at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm.

    He must have screamed and shown his gender, according to police.

    One person alerted the police and then held the screaming blotter under supervision.

    This until a police patrol arrived and could arrest him.

    The event is classified as sexually abusive.

  • Suspected rape in Helsingborg

    Suspected rape in Helsingborg

    Police were called today to an address in Helsingborg after an alarm call that a man had raped a woman in the home.

    The woman was taken to hospital for control and investigation, police write on her website.

    The suspected man, who is in his 40s, could be arrested in connection with the home. He is now suspected of rape.

    After interrogation with the man, a prosecutor will be contacted for further decisions on the case.

  • Seven dead after migrant boat capsized

    Seven dead after migrant boat capsized

    Seven bodies have been found in conjunction with a search effort after a boat with migrants capsized off Cyprus’s southern coast, Cypriot media states.

    Two people have been rescued. The search for more survivors is ongoing with several helicopters, drones and rescue boats.

    About 20 people must have been aboard the boat that sailed from Tartus in Syria, according to a survivor.

    The JRCC rescue center has not confirmed the deaths.

  • Young man cut with “sharp object” – taken to hospital

    Young man cut with “sharp object” – taken to hospital

    A 25-year-old man was cut on Monday afternoon with a “sharp object” in the Stockholm suburb of Bandhagen.

    Police and ambulance were alerted to the scene at 17.51.

    – It was he himself, among other things, who alerted. We have nothing to say about the injury situation, says police spokesman Daniel Wikdahl.

    The man is taken to hospital.

    There is no suspect at the moment, and the police have no crime classification yet.

    – Right now we have not started any preliminary investigation, now we are working on it as an abuse, says Wikdahl.

  • Trump threatens Iran in new play

    Donald Trump. Photo: AP

    Trump threatens Iran in new play

    In a new post on Truth Social, President Donald Trump threatens Iran, and writes that all attacks from the Huthier rebel group in Yemen have their “origin in Iran”.

    He continues to write that all new attacks from the Huthians will meet with great power, and that “there is no guarantee that it will stay there”.

    “Iran has long played an innocent victim of criminal terrorists they have lost control of, but they have not lost control,” Trump writes.

    According to Trump, Iran controls the Huthis in detail, they give them weapons, money and sophisticated military equipment, as well as intelligence information.

    “Every shot fired by the Huthis will henceforth be regarded as a shot fired by Iran’s leadership and Iran will be held responsible, and get to know the consequences, and these consequences will be awful,” Trump writes.

  • SEK 2,000 in fines so as not to show up on the pattern

    SEK 2,000 in fines so as not to show up on the pattern

    A young man from Åstorp is fined SEK 2,000 for a violation of the total defense obligation, writes the news agency Siren.

    The man reported sick last year when he was going to pattern, and did not respond to the duty of the duty and testing authority to book a new time.

    He has also not obeyed the call to submit a medical certificate.

  • Fraud at school in Gävle

    Fraud at school in Gävle

    The police were alerted to a school in Gävle. The staff who stated that one of the students has a knife.

    It turned out to be a brawl between two boys. The staff had not seen any knife themselves, nor the police found a knife.

    None of the boys, both minors, must have been injured in the brawl.

    One of the boys is suspected of grossly illegal threats and the other student is suspected of abuse.

  • Fully developed villa fire in Ängelholm

    Fully developed villa fire in Ängelholm

    The rescue service and two ambulances have moved to a fire in Ängelholm.

    “It must have been a fully developed fire but it is extinguished now,” says Desiree Brandt, team leader at SOS Alarm.

    Four units from the rescue service are at the scene right now.

    It is unclear if any person has been injured, but one ambulance is at the site right now and another is on the way, according to SOS Alarm.

  • The Migration Board opens to expel to Syria

    The Migration Board opens to expel to Syria

    In connection with the fall of the Assad regime in December 2024, the Migration Board paused all decisions in asylum cases for refugees from Syria.

    In an updated so -called “legal position”, the Migration Board now writes that from March 10 there is no longer a general stop for deportations to Syria, writes the news agency Siren.

    The situation in the country is considered to have become more stable.

    “The Chief Justice therefore considers that there is no longer a need for a general stop of enforcement and that the issue of enforcement barriers can now be handled in the usual order.”, The authority writes.

    Expulsions should now be assessed on a case -by -case basis.

    Decisions on residence permits for people who applied for asylum due to protection reasons are paused until June 10, 2025.

  • Person backed – brought by helicopter to hospital

    Person backed – brought by helicopter to hospital

    One person was backed by a vehicle on a plot in Bålsta between Stockholm and Enköping on Monday afternoon.

    “The person is taken by helicopter to a hospital with unclear injury situation,” said police spokesman Tobias Ahlen Svalbro.

    The police are still working on the scene and have not decided on criminal suspicion yet.

  • One tried to rob mail car

    One tried to rob mail car

    A postman would distribute mail in an area in Kungälv.

    When he came back to the car, a person with a robbery hat had entered and sat in the car.

    The postman then ran back into the stairwell and hid. The perpetrator remained in the car for a while, but then ran from there.

    The police arrested the perpetrator a short while later, who is now suspected of the assault of means of procurement and minor drug offenses.

  • Belgian diplomats must leave Rwanda

    Belgian diplomats must leave Rwanda

    The Rwanda government announces that they terminate all diplomatic relations with Belgium with immediate effect after having over owning several factors, “all linked to Belgium’s pitiful attempts to retain their neocolonial illusions,” writes Rwanda’s government in a statement.

    The message means that all Belgian diplomats found in Rwanda must leave the country within 48 hours.

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    Full screen Photo: Emma-Sofia Olsson / Schibsted

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