WoW: Those who lead their friends to Azeroth will be richly rewarded

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In World of Warcraft you can invite your friends and will be rewarded for it. Mounts, pets, and playtime beckon when your friends are actively exploring Azeroth.

The “Recruit a Friend” program, or WEF for short, has been around for a long time. Now Blizzard has updated the rewards.

Recruiting new or returning players who haven’t had game time for at least 2 years will be gifted.

Convince 4 friends to come to Azeroth each month

You can connect your account with up to 10 other players via the program. However, you can only recruit 4 new friends every 30 days, not every 10.

Each time one of your friends adds playtime, your rewards progress. If 2 friends subscribe for a month, you have directly managed the reward for 2 months. When you have received everything, new playing time regularly beckons for you.

These rewards are:

  • Pet: Unpredictable self-propelled toolbox after 1 month
  • Cosmetic item: Shredder Gloves after 2 months
  • Cosmetic Item: Lively Buddy after 3 months
  • 30 days playing time after 4 months
  • Cosmetic item: SCANNER Mk. 3 after 5 months
  • Mount: Rocket Shredder 9001 after 6 months
  • You should note that the items are only available for the retail version and not in WoW Classic. The playing time applies to both versions, of course.

    Left: SCANNER Mk. 3, Right: Missile Shredder 9001

    How can I use the program? In order to invite your friends and connect with you, you must first log into WoW. You then use the WEF user interface to create an invitation link that you can send. The first one works 4 times, then after 30 days you can create the next one.

    A feature syncs your group

    As before, the WEF program brings benefits to your collaborative gameplay in WoW. For example, you can teleport to each other every 30 minutes.

    Also interesting is the group synchronization. This allows you to match the quest status of all party members – so veterans can play through quests again with their friends. Your level will also be adjusted with the feature.

    There is also a WEF window in the user interface. There you can see which rewards you will soon receive and activate the group synchronization. You can also see challenges in the window that you can complete together with your friends and reap even more rewards.

    What do you think of the overhaul of the WEF program and the new rewards? Write it to us in the comments here on MeinMMO!
