WoW Remix is ​​“the best PvE experience solo players have ever had”

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is receiving praise, with solo players in particular saying World of Warcraft has never been better.

The “Remix” event has been running in World of Warcraft for almost two weeks, allowing players to dive into the “Mists of Pandaria” expansion once again and experience old content in a new guise. It’s all about almost infinite character power, unlocking cosmetics and reliving the Pandaren expansion.

Even though there has been a lot of criticism in recent days, for example about frog farmers or other exploits, the mode is well received by a large part of the community and is also praised in the WoW subreddit.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria – All features at a glance

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Solo players longed for what Remix offers

The post by Reddit user with the easy-to-understand name “kSqsnDysTsKAGDMu” describes how much he enjoys the mode as a solo player. He plays video games to “escape and have fun”. As soon as he has to interact with anyone, i.e. teammates or guild mates, it stops being fun for him. Then it feels more like work.

WoW Remix offers exactly this freedom to achieve almost anything in the game without really having to rely on social interaction.

The important point for me is: If WoW tells me that all I need to do to experience the best gear and all the content is invest time – I don’t need to become a talented player, join a guild, or have a high score – but just play more, that sounds like a good deal to me. It sounds like a game I actually want to finish.

Groups and guilds can make things easier in Remix, but they are not necessary. If you invest enough time, you can get extremely far thanks to bronze and threads for the cloak itself. So it’s no wonder that he ends his post with:

“I hope Blizzard brings more content like this in the future.”

Those who upgrade their equipment have more fun

It’s interesting that some people praise exactly what many players are still afraid of. Because WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria gets better the more bronze you put into upgrading your equipment.

YouShallNotStaff writes in the same thread:

“After I pulled the plug and started putting bronze into my gear, everything became a lot more fun!”

This may seem counterproductive at first glance. After all, you want to use the bronze primarily to buy the cool rewards and not waste it on temporary character power that disappears at the end of the event. Many people have this thought. They buy mounts and cosmetics first and then think about character power.

In fact, bronze invested in equipment helps you farm even more bronze. The better your equipment, the greater the challenges you can overcome on your own. Almost all raid bosses on “normal” can be defeated alone – and even some bosses on heroic.

Fwuffykins explains:

“A word of warning here. I thought so too at first [und wollte mir zuerst Cosmetics kaufen]but once you reach 70, you are very weak without upgrades. Earning your next bronze is so much faster and easier if you buy upgrades first and then cosmetics.”

What is your experience with WoW: Remix? Are you happy with the mode? Did you use bronze for upgrades? Or do you prefer to farm conservatively and not spend it on upgrades?
