Under the keyword “Glorbo”, players of the MMORPG World of Warcraft outwitted an AI, which then sold incorrect information for full-fledged, planned features.
Artificial intelligence is currently one of the biggest topics in business and science. Technology has the potential to turn our everyday life and work upside down.
However, we are currently still in a kind of test phase: where are the limits of the technology? Where can we use them sensibly, where would we rather rely on a human brain?
Because the example of a group of WoW players shows that human brains are still capable of it. As the BBC reports, they tricked an AI into believing their illogical lies.
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What lies were those? It was a new feature called Glorbo. What sounds like a wacky planet from the Rick & Morty cartoon was being sold by AI players as the latest World of Warcraft announcements.
Part of Glorbo is therefore also the “mandatory item Klikclac”, an “epic quest to eliminate Quackion, the aspect of the ducks” and the “small, cozy island of Zoop”.
How did you do that? As reported by the BBC, an automated article appeared on the “ZLeague” site (via archive.ph).
The AI probably got their info from Reddit where the players spread the info (via reddit.com). Members of the subreddit had already suspected that AIs published unchecked information from the forum on some websites.
“World of Warcraft (WoW) Players Excited About Glorbo’s Launch,” headlines the website, as does the Reddit thread.
WoW developer celebrates the promotion: “@Zorbix” reports on the subject on Twitter and is happy that he can finally talk about Glorbo: Since the information is finally known. We’ve been working on the features for almost 15 years.
In the tweet below, Zorbix, Senior Game Producer at World of Warcraft, explains that this is just a joke. He congratulates the people behind the action, who have shown that we are probably safe from AIs for the time being, as long as we are still using our brains.
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