World of Warcraft player Venn is back and hunted down the bosses in the Blackrock Depths anniversary raid. However, in order to cause more than 500 million damage to them with just one hit, a lot of preparation was necessary.
How did Venn do that? With his monk, the Touch of Death ability, the Tainted Behemoth’s Bite trinket, and a lot of dedication. Each potentially successful attempt takes a whopping six hours. Venn had to survive more than 40 failed attempts. Let’s first look at what the two key effects do:
Venn’s strategy was to accumulate so much health with the monk that you could use it to send raid bosses into the dirt with one or two powerful hits.
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How is that possible? Venn first visited the dummies in Stormwind with his monk and two priests with him (for guardian spirit and guardian angel) in order to painstakingly increase his own health points using the tainted behemoth’s biting tool.
While the effect scales with Versatility and Critical Strike, it still took around six hours to accumulate 700 million health points (and that’s only when using class buffs like Warrior’s Inciting Cry).
The last point mentioned also results in the greatest difficulty for Venn: If the connection is lost or there is a lag at the wrong moment, the effect expires. The same applies if the loading screen is a bit too long when entering the Blackrock Depths. In such a case, the last 6 hours were for the ton.
You can watch Venn’s strategy in the video on YouTube:
Venn also couldn’t rely on autohits to beat up the dummies (and simply disappear from the PC temporarily), as characters in capital cities like Stormwind are occasionally distributed to other phases, causing them to stop attacking.
When this happens, you have a window of about two seconds to manually restart the fight and thus prevent the health points built up from becoming a strong, but in this case useless, absorption shield.
With the health points you have built up, you then go into the dungeon, where you are of course never allowed to leave the fight until you have reached the targeted victim. When it came to the bosses, Venn noticed that there was apparently a maximum upper limit for the damage from Death’s Touch.
Despite almost 750 million health points, the powerful blow only caused just over 536 million points of damage. So two triggers were always necessary to successfully fell the bosses. Nevertheless, we are already dealing with the second exclamation mark from Venn in The War Within: WoW player creates something that hasn’t happened in years, puts current raid boss on heroic solo