WoW overhauls a class, accidentally creates a monster

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With the last update, the Retribution Paladin in World of Warcraft has been reworked. Now – almost 14 days later – Blizzard has released a big nerf. Both damage and healing were reduced because the class was just too strong.

What has changed in the Paladin? Patch 10.0.7 was released on March 23rd, bringing a new area, a new faction and some other changes. Also included was a revision of the Retri-Spec:

  • Reduced the amount of “feel useless skills”.
  • Added new talents, including Crusader’s Pardon, which gave some abilities a range of 3m and added lifesteal.
  • Revenge Aura has been reworked to be more useful to the party.
  • In general, care was taken to ensure that the Retri-Pala has better chances of surviving and can cause more damage outside of the strong burst phases.
  • The changes paid off. At the highest level of difficulty, the Retri Paladin is currently one of the strongest DPS classes (via Warcraft logs) and he has also made it into the A tier in PvP (via WoWMeta). Many currently find the spec to be too strong, including Blizzard itself, because they weakened the class in a hotfix.

    Here you can watch the cinematic for patch 10.0.7 again:

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    Retri-Pala loses damage, but mostly healing

    What is changing now? With a hotfix, the paladin was noticeably weakened. Overall damage reduced by 3%. In addition, the duration of Instrument of Vengeance has been reduced from 12 seconds to 9 seconds.

    Blizzard writes:

    Retribution Paladins have performed above average in terms of their damage, so we’re making some adjustments here to bring them more in line with our intentions.

    But not only the damage is tackled. Especially in the area of ​​healing and survival, the adjustments overshot the target.

  • Through the Fading Light talent, Blessing of the Evening created a shield for abilities that generate Holy Power equal to 10% of damage done or healing done. This effect has now been reduced to 3%.
  • With Aegis of Protection, the Shield of Vengeance saved you from 20% more damage. This effect has now been reduced to 10%.
  • Shield of Vengeance now only lasts 10 seconds instead of 15.
  • Lightforged Blessing now heals you and your party for 2% of maximum health (up from 3%).
  • How is the change coming? Many in the forum are in favor of the change. With 3% less damage, the Paladin would still be among the top DPS classes. A lot of people didn’t necessarily bother with the damage, but with the defense and the additional healing. This was weakened in a much more targeted manner with the hotfix.

    What do you think of the Retri Paladin? Was the nerf justified?
